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Everything posted by StonerZN

  1. This passage speaks to me in multiple ways [emoji1787] Could be a very valuable R1 that. Full of enthusiasm, but distracted along the way. Need something forgiving that can handle a day or 2 of neglect from time to time ideally. Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  2. By all means feel free to move it[emoji106] Cant stay in Hellos forever [emoji23] The notion of the trial appeals to a part of me. Will work on the practicalities and do a costing exercise when I have a gap and decide whether its feasible. If nothing else it will be good amusement for the rest of you watching me stumble along... Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  3. So... this idea... bear with me I may be a little goofed [emoji16] What are the practicalities of growing in different mediums side by side? Wouldn't the ultimate way to settle the growing medium debate be for a complete newb (in this case me) to attempt three styles side by side and see which turns out better? 1 Soil 1 coco 1 hydro Could learn some valuable things and maybe help the next beginner along... I've long been attracted to hydroponics so might be fun. Could be a bit cheaper than having to buy 4 auto pots or similar if I tried one first to see if I managed. I imagine it may get a bit chaotic in there trying to keep track of everything going on... or would that be biting off more than I can chew [emoji23] Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  4. And so it begins [emoji23] I just had a pretty crazy idea... may help with data for the poll @PsyCLown started a while ago about beginners and soil. Am a bit useless with technology, will link it in the morning on PC. Gonna head to that thread and explain... Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  5. That name does seem to crop up quite often. Shot bru! Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks for the warm welcome so far everyone. @CreX I hadn't thought about working backwards from how much I need to "get off the grid" so to speak. I'm currently going through around 30/40g or so give or take... Bit more than my normal level due to lockdown and boredom But i'm dead keen to start baking a bit... so that will use up some product quick. I am looking at a quatum board 250W type setup for inside... I imagine I could probably manage 4 plants with it? I think I probably need something smaller for when the plants are very young though in addition to the above. With another 1/2 outside, I would have 6 at once, roughly twice a year for maybe 12 plants then in total? At 75g/plant I could potentially achieve 900g. 900/12 = 75g a month. That should be more than sufficient I hope With regard to the medium... This is what I am most unsure of, and funnily the forum hasn't helped so far, the topic seems quite divisive to put it mildly! I just want the cheapest easiest lowest maintenance option while I learn the ropes a bit. I like the idea of a SCROG so am mindful of restrictions that may impose. I could always abandon that idea for now.
  7. What up dudes and dudettes. Was stoked to come across the forum doing some research into lights and have spent hours pouring through some of the content you fine folk have so kindly created for the less knowledgable among us. Local is Lekker ne! As the name suggests I am from KZN, Durban area more specifically. Moving into a spot with room to grow soon, so am looking to build an indoor setup in the next month or two... Paying through my nose for skyf at the moment so hoping growing will help! I am a little bamboozled by some of the terms and ideas I have come across, so will no doubt have tonnes of questions for the more experienced around that are willing to answer. I will probably attempt 1/2 plants outdoors, and start with something small and hopefully user friendly and simple for my first run under lights. Once again, thanks for what I have read so far, and I look forward to partaking and sharing my progress as I go... Maybe even grow something decent at the end of it all. Shot.
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