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Light It Up

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Light It Up last won the day on October 29 2021

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  1. Sorry for getting in on this a bite late, we do not check the forum everyday but do monitor our emails daily. If there is ever anything urgent, best to drop us an email. We see the issue has been resolved by removing the pot / dimmer. We have been experiencing some issues with the dimmer and got a new batch of dimmers from our supplier which we are now making use of and busy testing. @donnob Drop us a PM and let us know if you'd like some replacement dimmers and we will happily send them through to you.
  2. @Marzcanna We do not have it listed on our website, but can assist you. Drop us a PM
  3. Well done to each of the winners and thank you to @420SA for hosting this competition!
  4. A little sneak peak - we're busy with it! There have been some delays unfortunately but it's happening and is in progress. Got some other things in the pipeline too
  5. Glad everyone is enjoying their lights from us - we have been making some slight improvements to the overall light, such as switching over to a new dimmer, changing the way the wiring runs to help keep the wiring a bit neater, ensuring the power supply is setup to prevent someone from giving their light more power than recommended and we will continue to improve where possible. If anyone ever has any questions, please feel free to reach out to us - either here on the forum (can tag us in a post or drop us a PM, can even create a post under our vendor section on the forum) or via email or our website's contact us page. We are happy to assist and give honest advice, our aim is to try and help the community and fellow growers.
  6. @CreX thanks for tagging us. We have provided @Slartibarfast with the information he requested. We are in the process of making some custom PPFD maps and will publish this along with some additional information on our website once complete. Since we include a dimmer, we will provide distances for different power levels as well and for different stages of growth.
  7. Looks great! Turned out very nice!
  8. @FeedaSeed you are welcome to drop us a message if there is anything we may be able to assist with. We do not really sell internationally, not the market we are after at the moment. Who knows, perhaps a conversation sparks a new idea.
  9. By day, I sell epic grow lights.... At night... well, that is a secret Always lovely to see how diverse the cannabis crowd can be, people in various fields and walks of life coming together due to a single common interest.
  10. @Ivanka welcome! I do agree with @SkunkPharm that doing a DIY light could work out cheaper, however not everyone is going to want to build their own light or import their own parts / lights. Or perhaps might not have the skill, time or tools required etc. etc. The space you have is a decently sized space. Ideally you'd want around 1300 - 1400 umol for that sized area, however you can get away with less and still achieve good results. 2x 240W Quantum Board lights will just about get you to the ideal output - as well as multiple other light options. However in your case you are looking for the most affordable, therefore the best value for money while still purchasing decent, high quality lights. Another option is to start with one light and later on add more as your budget allows for it.
  11. Light It Up is an online store which provides high quality, high efficiency, affordable, grow lights and accessories which are conveniently delivered straight to your door. Helping all growers light up their grow!
  12. @Prom Thank you for the information, we will look into it. Currently we do not have any boards with IR diodes, however if anyone is interested in Quantum Boards with IR diodes, please do contact us and we will look at getting some.
  13. Hi Prom, For now we are only offering the 120W and 240W light options as we feel this is what majority of growers would be interested in. We will consider expanding and offering some larger lights if there is demand, if you are interested in a larger Quantum Board light let us know and we could bring some in for you with our next order. Our boards do not have any IR diodes. I believe IR can lead to plants stretching, much like Far Red. We believe one does not require IR in order to flower cannabis, we as well as many other growers have done so successfully without LEDs and no IR. If you feel it adds benefit though, that may be the case and we are happy to assist and look at bringing in some lights with IR diodes. We would like to offer 3000K boards as well however there have been stock issues with the Samsung diodes and we were unable to get the 3000K boards with our last order from the manufacturer unfortunately. The 3500K is often seen as a happy medium for both veg and flower, although we know many use 3000K for both veg and flower as well without issues. We agree with you regarding the number of lights required for a 1.2m x 1.2m tent. 3 to 4 QB288 (360w to 480w) would be ideal. With that being said you can still achieve good results with fewer lights. We understand that setting up an indoor grow can be quite expensive and some may choose to start with a single light and add additional lights later on when they are able to. We have updated the foot print for our lights, the previous figures were incorrect. The footprints do not necessarily mean it will provide the ideal amount of usable PPF for such an area, it is more a guide as to what is the maximum area one should considering having the light in. If anyone require any assistance, guidance or are unsure as to how much light they will require they are welcome to reach out to us. This website also has a nice grow light calculator which can assist someone in finding the optimal amount of light required for their grow area. https://www.cocoforcannabis.com/grow-light-calculator/
  14. Hi Wulf, We will be having some Black Friday specials - keep an eye on our vendor board for more details. The 240w light, it would depend on the size of plants and the tent. We would say around 4 to 5 average sized indoor plants however we have seen some squeeze 6 plants under a 240W light and achieve decent results. It would work well in a 1.2m x 0.6m tent.
  15. Thank you! We are excited to be part of this awesome forum. Hoping we can help members on this forum out with the products we provide. We feel our pricing is great and aim to provide excellent customer service. Any questions, please reach out to us.
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