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Everything posted by Wulf

  1. Wait, what...theres a growers association in the garden route, I did not know that
  2. Wulf

    Let's play bingo

    You dont agree???
  3. Hey guys Needed some advice. I have been growing a Autoflower on my balcony, "Super Lemon Haze by canucks" She is in a 30 liter fabric pot with FF soil, green bag, she is been fed with biobizz. (Very light on the nutes, feeding every 7 to 10 days, at 2mls per liter of the grow and bloom). Planted 29 Oct 2020, still waiting for her to show sex...she does look pretty big for a autoflower. I decided not to train as I was to afraid that I may do more harm then good, as this is my first grow, with no previous experience I didn't wanna mess it up. I will attach pics below, can you guys recommend if I should defoliate or not. PS: I have removed the yellow leave closer to the soil
  4. Wulf

    Let's play bingo

    Hi guys , To end the game of bingo... The clue was given in the introduction, "It got a bit windy" Wind was definitely the problem, as I have noticed MJ doing this only when it is windy, I have seen it happen three times now. (If there's no wind she does not do the droopy thing) I'm amazed at how "alive" the plant actually is, makes me wonder are plants sentient beings??? Or is all just reflex action???
  5. Damn! Those are in @Proms words, very sexy!!! Don't u wanna be my freind please?
  6. Wulf

    Let's play bingo

    Hi guys I hope you are all well. So I have a question which already has an answer, but I wanted to see who could geuss what the issue was. So some background, I went out yesterday morning to say hello to MJ (my lady's nick name), she appeared bright and perky, I was happy so continued my day, it was a nice sunny day. Later that night, it got a bit windy and it started raining but just a drizzle, I decided to bring MJ in but to my surprise she was all droopy and looking really sad. Please see before and after pics below. What do you guys think went wrong??? To much watering, to less watering? Heat from the day? To much or to little nutes? Maybe I'm not pHing my water so this could be the cause??? Please comment below. PS: This is the super lemon haze, its an auto, (its been 2 months now, still not showing sex???) 1st pic taken that morning. The 3 pics following are pics from that night. Last pic is from the next morning.
  7. @Chris Jay hey bud, thanks for your reply. You hit the nail on the head with this comment, I think the part that really hits a nerve is the privacy part, I feel like a rape victim, violated!
  8. @John Stonedwell Hi buddy, not sure if you can provide clarity on the section 15 and 16 licenses, can you use those weapons as self defense weapons??? Or exclusively for sport purposes? TIA
  9. @Prom These words are gold! "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail!"
  10. @Bos and @Bakstein420 hey guys, thanks for your replies. I think its very important to have a dog as they usually alert you to the on coming danger. The law fails us as even if you are legally armed and defend yourself, and end up killing someone, you will be arrested, charges brought against you, you would basically have to prove you innocent. Lots of headaches for you while if "He" is a "Kleva" and enters your home and there is a barrier between you and him like a gate, you CAN NOT open fire on him! The only time you can is if your life or that of another human beings is in imminent danger, eg. He points a gun at you, by which time he would have already shot you. A wise forumite said to me its better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it... What drives me mad, really mad, is when people tell me at least you got away with your life, really???? Is this the norm??? Like we should just be grateful that no other human being killed us that day??? How have we progressed as a species??? Why shuld I wake up and go to work? while u just come rob me of my belongings??? (Rant over...)
  11. Hey guys So I just wanted to write a short post on how my last week was living in sunny South Africa We had 3 break in's in 4 days, 1st one was 2 weeks ago on a Thursday at 3 to 4 am, guys broke a window so this woke us all up, so they fled. Police called, guys came out, done finger prints etc. And reported to us that there were many break in's the same night. Landlady called, she recokns she is not doing anything about the broken window, neither is she installing an alarm system and she ain't putting up any fence or wall around her house..yikes!!! Like really??? (Yip no fence around this house) Ok so the same Saturday morning these guys decided to come back, this time we don't hear anything and they managed to get away with some camping gear but it seems like they also scouted out the whole layout. Problem is we only realised this by Sunday night. (Items that did get stolen were still there on Friday). Monday morning at 4am we were woken up to lots of voices downstairs, we made our way down and lots of feet went running, got away with about 5k worth of meat and fish.(we had family coming over so we decided to stock up) The reason for writing this post is just to make people more aware, people have to be more vigilant at this time of the year. Don't take your security for granted, if you can't feel safe in your own home where can you feel safe??? Reinstate the death penalty??? What about human rights, ok so wheres my human rights when you rape my wife in front of me, then kill me? And all the while my family continues to pay tax which government uses to feed you while you in prison, they clothe you, you can even get a good education while in prison, and in fact you even have rights, if you a vegetarian the state must provide those meals for you, and don't call me a prisoner, that's a derogatory term, Im called a client of the state, what a joke!
  12. Hi guys, hope you are all well. Agreed with all comments above, my personal experience in SA, some seed banks are willing to give you store credit 4 beans that didn't pop during the germination phase(its better if you document the entire process,take pics,this will serve as your proof), While others had a "No refund policy"(If your beans don't pop sorry 4 U) Shouldn't all seed banks world wide have a store credit policy for beans that don't pop?? (Obviously using and documenting a universally accepted method of germination as stated above) I have thought about the guys that may "abuse" the system, a store credit I mean, but thats why I say you should document Your process... What do you guys think
  13. Hey bro, thanks for sharing, I for one would be interested in the anxiolytic properties without the high.
  14. Courier fees are separate.
  15. @Bravo Hi Bud I would recommend sacred seeds as you get your seeds sealed from the breeder. Also customer care was really Good and delivery time was excellent. Spoke to Merlin on WhatsApp, sorted me out one shot. Hope this helps.
  16. Hey bud, where does one buy clones from?
  17. Wulf


    Hi guys, Just wanted to give a quick update. This is the only survivor. Super lemon haze. Would you guys recommend doing LST? (This plant is been grown on my balcony) PS I'm am using biobizz for nutes Will be watered and fed tomorrow. Have some chilli 🌶 plants growing in the back as well as some mint, lovely with tea.
  18. Damn man! Wish I was one of your neighbours! This looks awesome!
  19. @SkunkPharm Thanks for the reply So you are happy with them so far right?
  20. Hey guys Has anyone heard of or used the below mentioned fan? Is it any good? I tried googling it but can't seem to find any information on it. https://www.futurama.co.za/tt-series-tube-axial-in-line-fan-100mm-220v/
  21. Hi guys, Can anyone help to ID these buggers? I see them flying on the top of the soil and even go "into" the soil. Could these be fungus gnats? Using FF soil (green bag) Thanks in advance.
  22. @CoolJ hey bud Thanks 4 the response! Much appreciated. I just wanna be clear, so you have a total of 4 fans running? Also what are you usinf to draw air in and what are you using to take the air out again? TIA
  23. Hi guys and gals I am leaning towards getting mammoth Pro 120 tent, which is basically the 1.2 x 1.2 x 200, i am trying to figure out what fan to get. Can anyone suggest any fans? Also any other goodies I should be getting? I think I will be getting the 240w led light from light it up. Thanks guys
  24. @highchome bud you just sealed the deal for me! I think we are so lucky to have this forum man, thanks again!
  25. @highchome Hi Bud, Thanks for assisting! I geuss Im also in kinda a hurry as I dont want to miss the BF specials thats happening, so Im not spending to much time researching and rather spending time looking for the best deal, LOL!
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