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Everything posted by cheese420

  1. Lol no worries man Haha yeah you dont want it blowing down....Definitely think you should start off the August POTM with an LED shot
  2. I think these would be quite helpful http://www.hydroherbafrica.co.za/product/16-wall-mounted-fan/ http://www.hydroherbafrica.co.za/product/industrial-fans/
  3. Lol moving away from all the kush Nice selection though :thumbups
  4. I sure hope so! I am actually planning on growing the scotts again but from clone and to try out a scrog for the first time I received my HSO Bubba's Gift from a bonza order but since the clones are already growing I thought they are good candidates to scrog with You got anything in mind for the next grow?
  5. Lol yeah I noticed that, I was always watching your updates and comparing Noticing how's your looked at one point I was getting concerned with this scotts because it looked like it was lagging and then suddenly it seemed to turn a corner and start bulking up more Man you lucky got got such a nice selection of gear to smoke, seeing all this wasted space in my tent gets to me...but definitely aiming to fix that with next round!
  6. Update day 50 of 12/12 Things going well as the end is in sight. Raredankness's site suggests 50-65 days...I believe this will probably go the 65 as it was set back with all that stress earlier in the flowering period. The top cola's were also affected by the heat stress a bit more than I thought...the lower growth is further along as the tops were growing back what got burnt Been feeding just bloom nutrients at pH 5.8 daily still Couple of pics:
  7. Brrrrr nice and frosty! Looks like that blue venom has been dipped in sugar
  8. Lol I am googling bud washing right now...thanks guys, never quite looked into it
  9. Excellent job Toby! Was an epic grow throughout and definitely gave some nice insight into a different lighting schedule. Enjoy the bud...waiting on the smoke report
  10. Yeah there is definitely a lot of misinformation out there, especially on cannabis forums where certain practices are hailed as the "right" way The drying and curing process is probably the place to really focus your attention once you have a grown a healthy plant to maturity
  11. Ah I have always heard good things about EM pro soil on these forums but never got around to using it. I have only done one other coco grow and I believe I started flushing for the last 10 days...but that grow came down early due to the bud rot...I just used water pH'd to 5.8 everyday and made sure there was run off The bud tasted fine and still burnt to a nice white ash so I still wonder just how long a flush is required in coco
  12. As always a solid update What is your flushing process like? Do you go for two weeks or more/less than that?
  13. When u submit entries are only two then chosen for the poll per person?
  14. Thought I would enter one more since I took pics this morning
  15. Update day 43 of 12/12 The smell of this plant is now more pronounced I would say....very sour and fuely smell...its amazing! Some up close shots....Will post a full pic after when into week 7 I really think I may purchase the bubble bags for this harvest...either that or I need to try my hand at a BHO extraction
  16. Lol thanks man Hmm I took while to respond because my nose was somewhat blocked.....The smell is quite chemical like i'd say with what I i'd say is quite limey...I am seriously not the best at describing the smells if I am honest. I would love to know what "Kush" smells like....whenever I read a strain has a kushy smell I'm like wtf does that even smell like damn it I'm quite happy with how these clones are doing..Been feeding them at 6/9 @5.8 from the get go
  17. Ah man that is an update right there....Can see they have moved it up a notch....Think your yield target is most definitely in sight!
  18. Day 35 of 12/12 I haven't cut the micro yet and have started feeding twice daily just to see how she reacts to it...only done it for 2 days but will probably continue it until flush time. I had an issue with heat stress after I forgot to move the light up while busy in the tent, its very noticeable on the leaves...my bad Lights off pics: 2 scotts OG clones in their ghetto home lol...they going to be used for scrog
  19. Nice lil smoke report cereal I know exactly what sweets and taste you are referring to! Really like the pictures man....can't wait to see what you do when you have some killer genetics in hand to grow out :thumbups
  20. Interesting read, quite a lot of money for the time.....clearly need to have that connection sorted else it doen't sound that appealing! Lol
  21. Hmm interesting....I had no issue with the seedpod, but I only had two seeds in them. My order thats on the way is a bit bigger, I hope nothing gets messed up. @Toby sorry if you have mentioned this but where did you source your seeds from again?
  22. Lol well growing from seed is pretty exciting...always a chance of a real gem being grown out I think I will join you on getting a perpetual grow going..currently only have a very tiny space that a pu clones/start seeds
  23. Awesome update man....Did you take a clone of the LC-OG or any of them in fact?
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