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  1. Ive been trying to do aeroponics and im about to purchase my 4th water pump as my pumps keep on breaking currently looking at the Kaufmann - Fountain Pump - Irrigation - Water Features - 18W 230V - Black on takealot My previous pump broke probably because there was a leak in my system, i heard a loud sound from the pump and filled it up but it was too late. My previous pumps lost pressure over time and i was unable to get water to all my plants. I have a timer on the pump that works for 45 minutes and then off for 15 minutes (so the pump doesnt run 24/7 and burn out) Each pump has lasted less than 3 months So now im looking at potentially getting a more expensive pump that will last longer. Does anyone have any suggestions? The area i am needing it to water is quite small, (20cm* 35cm * 15cm)so i do not think i need a powerful pump. I have 13mm black pipes with sprayer nozzels (see picture)'
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