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Everything posted by Weskush

  1. Yes i will be more than willing to help out
  2. @CreX you mentioned that you are using totes. Do you just drill some holes in the bottom and take it from there? Apologies for chipping into your grow thread @SkunkPharm
  3. Had a look online (Takealot etc...) and there's so many different brands to choose from. Is there a legit brand that you would recommend regarding full spectrum CBD drops? Any input would be highly appreciated
  4. Another thing. You mentioned 50 50 perlite peat. This medium will not hold on to nutrients for long. Check that you are feeding appropriately to avoid that yellowing foilage.
  5. Howzit man. Ja your plants are showing the classic signs of overwatering. Droopy leaves and sometimes they will also appear swollen from the excess moisture uptake. Perlite doesn't retain water as much as what vermiculite will do. More of an aeration benefit to your medium. Sounds like you have soil mix there with your peat? Dono. I wouldn't stress too much. Just let the medium dry and monitor if the leaves start puckering up. If not then you have a more serious issue on your hands. Good luck and keep us update
  6. Feel the pot. Be the pot my friend. Don't water again until that pot is as light as a feather. Then hit them with a lekker nutrient feed. They will strive. Avoid any form of stress to the plants until they are fully recovered. Sterkte
  7. Lekker man! looking forward to posts brother. Outdoor 4 Life
  8. Jip. Thats why when feeding Calmag, i never mix it with anything.
  9. I would wait for it to properly fill out the pot. Into the final container then do some training.
  10. Yo. I had the same "issue" a while back. It was diagnosed as burn from nutes wetting the leaves and then came in contact with the sun. Could also be hot soil. Mine recovered quite quickly. You should be fine
  11. Can i print this on high gloss canvas and sell it for a little less?
  12. At what ratio do you feed Kelpak? The suggested ratio on the bottle seems far out! I've been feeding at about 20ml/10L rainwater and seems to do my plants good. Just curious. Shot
  13. Seems like Epsom salts might well be the wunderkind after all
  14. Does cotyledon size indicate the potential genetic strength/weakness in a plant? I noticed that the plants with bigger cotyledons tend to be stronger and grow more vigorously than those with smaller cotyledons. Of course there are many other factors that determine above mentioned but if the cotyledons is an early indicator of plant potential then we can save ourselves a lot of time and money. @Totemic any input or am i grabbing something out of thin air?
  15. Looking good. That leaf mutation on #2 is interesting. Like Frisian Duck looking leaf structure if i may
  16. Great grow man I'm definitely tagging along for the ride
  17. Found a couple of these worms in my soil pot after my seedlings suddenly died. Pulled the seedling and discovered that the root were chowed off. Could this creature be responsible for it? They seem to be in all my soil pots and i have no idea how they got there. I've never seen the adult beetle specie in my area...
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