Hi Everyone, just thought this was interesting...
A female cannabis flower generally has two pistils that include the reproductive anatomy: the ovary, style, and stigmas. The ovary, where a seed develops once fertilized, is at the very base of the pistil. The stigmas are covered with sticky hair-like structures, called stigmatic papillae, that capture pollen and transport it down the pollen tube, through the stigmas and style and into the ovary. The style is at the base of each stigma and separates the stigmas from the ovary. The style can be identified separately from the stigmas due to the absence of papillae. However, as the female cannabis flower is kept from being fertilized in the cultivation of cannabis, the papillae will grow on the style in an attempt to increase the plant’s ability to capture pollen. Cannabis pistils are whitish-yellow when fertile and orange to red when no longer fertile. Some unique cultivars have pink pistils. Pistils also vary in robustness along the broad to narrow leaf spectrum. (Credit: Expansion of female sex organs in response to prolonged virginity in Cannabis sativa)