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Everything posted by ChefDylan

  1. I still have to re pot to a bigger pot before I flower up
  2. Update time, well not much going on. I have started training #1 for mainlining. #2 I have topped #3 I am not doing anything to. I will just leave her to do her thing and see how she grows without any interference. All in all they are all healthy. I did spray all with a baking soda and water solution. Just as a safety sake for molds. But with low temps and high humidity. Rather safe than sorry.
  3. yeah I read up alot on it and it has some amazing results in the farming sector. So i thought why not try. And all I can say is Wow!!
  4. Im actually bending them down to get light in, but i do see the leaves curling in. Thanks for the advice
  5. Does anyone else have massive leaves like this. This is a first for me. But also the first time i have used Explogro. Could this be the culprit. I will need to plant another seed that i have in my arsenal and see what the results are. If this is the case, I have found a new weapon. hahaha
  6. Midweek update: So gave a little watering. They seem to be trucking along just fine. The leaves on these plants are seriously large as well as thick The temps are sitting in the mid to low 20's at times. But all in all doing well.
  7. ChefDylan


    Looking good there.
  8. These ladies have massive leaves. I have topped 1 and 2. #3 I am leaving to her own devices. #2 I am topping 2 maybe 3 times and #1 I will be main lining. Well that's the plan anyway. So her are some before and after pics. Oh have not watered since explogro. No need just yet.
  9. ChefDylan

    3D Printing

    Sprayed a clear coat at the end
  10. ChefDylan

    3D Printing

    Awesome idea. I print odds and ends. Busy printing signage for my wifes practice. I have attached some of my work. But a great idea to print stuff for our grows if anything is needed. Here are a few pics of things that I have done along with my setup.
  11. So, Got my girls some explogro last night - 5ml into 600ml water ph 6.0 Looks like they responded well as they are bulking up quite nicely.
  12. I print slot of cosplay stuff as well as signage. Whatever is needed at the time.
  13. What printer do you have and what do you print. I have 3 Ender 3 pros. Very addictive hobby indeed
  14. WOW!! So 2 days after transplant and I walk into this. Did not expect such a big difference. The game is on now, Hahaha
  15. ChefDylan


    Looking good there buddy
  16. If I may ask, where did you get all the components for your led set up
  17. Here are the pics after transplant. I had to cover the stem a bit as way too stretchy. But they look much better now.
  18. Right, time for transplant. These girls are so lanky and are falling over so have transplanted into bigger pots where they will stay for the next 4 weeks. Then they will go into final pots before flipping amending with elemental mix, worm castings and myco. And watering with ph 6.0 water when dry. So here are a few pics before transplant and the amendment's I used.
  19. ChefDylan


    Youtube did that to me, you need to update your date of birth on your attached google account, then it sorts it out automatically. Thats what i did and it worked just fine. Updates all ways cock this up.
  20. I now have my QB at 60cm and 60%. So i will monitor now until Saturday and see where I am at. Like I said above, they are getting more leafy now instead of just stem. Will monitor and adjust accordingly. Thanks for the advice.
  21. I think they are just settling in now, they look like the are getting more leaf as apposed to more stem. but all learning curve. None the less they are healthy and doing well.
  22. Yeah have done so already, will see how the next few days go
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