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Everything posted by donnob

  1. donnob


    The more positive vibes in our community the better.. keep on keeping on
  2. donnob


    I feel you! Since starting my rook has also undergone extensive surgery... but this is what it's all about though.. learning, experimenting and bettering your grow
  3. @Newbie1011 they're bright though. Judging from your other thread, stealth is a concern for you. You must remember that any grow light that is able to veg and flower properly is going to make a lot of light when your space is open.
  4. I have a couple of blurple LED lights lying around and I can probably help you out with one that would beat the 2x UFO things hands down. It pulls about 200 odd watts from the wall and I've grown out some good meds before with them. Not exactly a Quantum board but it'll work with the budget. I must just check if it will fit into your space
  5. Howzit @Newbie1011, I'm assuming you're referring to this product because they state the exact same PAR readings you mentioned: https://www.futurelight.co.za/products/led-grow-light-50w-grow-ufo-pendant?variant=37921268564138 Have you already purchased this?
  6. donnob


    Thanks man, I'm learning a lot on this forum! Definitely going to be stocking up on those bug barriers!
  7. donnob


    Week 5 Update / Veg Week 4 It has been quite a busy week and I now wish for those 16 days I missed in the beginning. I've been trying to get as much done by the end of this week to allow the girls to just chill and recover the last week before the flip. I've had a few challenges along the way but luckily I've come out the other side (mostly) unscathed. My goal was to get the training done this week to allow them to grow out during veg week 5 and pushing them that hard I managed to break not just 1 but 4 cola stems where they meet the main stem , this has never happened to me on this scale before. After some intensive surgery (duct tape and support) and some time in the ICU (new QB light) they have all luckily managed to heal and started pushing out new growth (phew). I must admit, they were a lot easier to break that I'm used to. I can't say for sure, but I think the light that I had on them the last 2 weeks made for weaker branch growth, they looked a little more... transparent and watery? Since putting the under the 240W QB at 70% power they have become stronger and growth (and recovery) has been undeniably better and greener and just more natural looking. While that ordeal was going on, in camp Organic things were a lot more chill. This lady is amazing, I love the way she grows and I love her structure. I wanted to grow her out naturally but I also wanted to keep a copy of her, so in the end I topped her . I think it's for the best anyway, it would be a bit too uneven on the canopy to grow a xmas tree on one side of the tent A picture is worth a thousand words right? So..: T1 (Alyssa): Finished off her training (note the 2 splits), like a dumbass I only noticed the top one when I got home from work that day: Noticed this weird alternate node branching, almost like an extra thumb : She filled out and recovered nicely: View of her structure: T2 (Amy) Training session underway (can't see in this pic but 2 stems also split during training): As she looks now: Her internals: T3 - Janis (Ms Organic) Topping complete: As she looks now (from the top): ...and giving her best pose from the side: Besides the stars of the show, my tent environment also got a bit of an overhaul. I was inspired by @420SA's ventilation setup. It was a why-didn't-I-think-of-that moment when I saw it. I basically treated my 2 tents as... well.. 2 tents whereas 420sa's setup basically linked the 2 tents and treated the ventilation as 1 tent. Inlet in the one and exhaust in the other and link the 2 tents with ducting... GENIUS! With this method I now have a spare Ø100mm fan. So here is my version: Inlet in the veg tent, decide to let the air come in through a carbon filter for extra filtering of nasties: Exhaust in tent 2: Just as a side note I'd like to comment on the bug barriers that you can get from the grow stores. I firmly believe that these guys have kept out some serious nasties from my grow and if you're letting air come in from the outside, these things are a must. Check this out from 14 weeks of use, I'll be replacing these more often from now on: A shot of the new one compared to the used one: Sorry for the long winded report.. enjoy your Sunday guys
  8. @Ill_Evan I looove Gojira!! Mario Duplantier is probably the most underrated drummer in existence
  9. Hey @Growbaron, welcome! There's tons of experienced growers here that I'm sure will help you out with any advise you need. Is there anything specific? The plant in the pics has me concerned about the 3 fingered/curled leaves, maybe stress? I think if you could add an air pump and air stone to the mix to get more oxygen to the root zone you'll see a vast difference quickly. And as @SkunkPharm said, there are some awesome ready made soils out there that will get you amazing results.
  10. I can throw in a helping hand if you need me
  11. donnob


    F%@#&ing stunning
  12. Well done!! Can us mere mortals also buy from you? Online store maybe?
  13. donnob


    They're looking super sexy! Well done!!
  14. donnob


    Week 4 Update / Veg Week 3 It's been a week of some seriously explosive growth, each of these ladies have their own personalities. T1 (Alyssa) is explosive, man her growth is insane. T2 (Amy) is short and bushy, although reserved, she's been putting on the weight on those thick stems of hers. T3 (Janis) AKA Ms Organic is elegant and poised growing with perfect structure and spacing, I'm thinking of growing her out naturally with little to no training. The girls in hydro got a res change in the beginning of the week and they are getting the 3 part feed and a weekly inoc of Environoc401. Their EC is at 1.1 and PH is at 5.9. They have both been topped and I'm busy training the branches outwards away from the middle. Ms Organic got a soaking of rainwater mixed with ProOrganic and Environoc and has been responding really well to her new pot. T1 - Alyssa Start of training: Current top view: Internal structure: Massive fan leaves, this fan leaf was the one I thought had an extra finger, turns out the finger was in fact a duck foot (webbed) when it had grown out. I had a similar leaf on the other plant: T2 - Amy Start of training: Current top view: Internal structure: T3 - Janis Top view: Internal structure:
  15. donnob

    Various Seeds #1

    ...plus the lsd25
  16. donnob

    Various Seeds #1

    I'll take the trainwreck from you
  17. Clever how this is posted in the "Conspiracy Theories" topic... It's cool to have some data backing up these theories being thrown around
  18. donnob


    That bev looks awesome! Irish stout, that's my jam! Any tips on how to start out?? I think those stretchy supercropped girls could actually play in your favour eventually.
  19. donnob


    Opened the tent after 2 days away and I could see I had some work to do. It was apparent that my res solution needed to be changed and upp'ed a level and that Ms Organic needed a bigger pot. Hungry ladies: I also noticed some funky growth on some of the leaves. T1 (right) had a an extra blade on one of the 5 finger leaves giving her 6 fingers and T2 (left) had a webbed duckfoot on one of her 3 finger leaves. T1's extra finger: T2's webbed duck foot: Things escalated from there pretty quickly , when I looked again I had topped T2, removed the weird growth and cleaned her up. This is an early topping for me but she looks vigorous enough to pull through quickly. Transplanted Ms Organic into her final pot: After a few hours, the girls got their colour back and were looking much happier: I'm still not too sure how I'm going to approach the training but if I stare at them long enough I'm sure it'll come to me
  20. donnob


    Brilliant! Another forex nerd I take it?
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