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Everything posted by donnob

  1. donnob


    Week 3 Update / Veg Week 2 Going to be out of town for the weekend so I'll update now or else risk the wrath of the 420SA police Well not much has changed environment-wise. The hydro ladies are still using the same res solution as before but it's still looking good, PH and EC have been stable so I've left it to be. I have been waiting for the true leaves to do a change. I am noticing some lighter-than-normal green on the new growth now so I'll do a res change on Sunday and take the feed up a notch. PH 5.8, EC 0.5. Ms Organic seems happy as well albeit a little slower than her compadres but she is hanging in there. Been giving her a light feed of TA pro organic with environoc401. Did try @iGrowDagga's Epsom salt foliar on all the ladies, will check if anything changes Today I swapped my kak blurple light for a 120W LED light I got with Samsung diodes so I'll check what that does to the girls. I also acquired a 240W QB from Light It Up that I'm currently using to flower my other tent. Fortunately, the timing will be perfect to flower these girls with that light when I'm done there. So enough rant...
  2. Nice recovery there @DamDave Onwards...
  3. donnob


    Week 2 Update / Veg Week 1 No real hard work done this week, just letting them settle in, started feeding Ms Organic her TA Pro Organic grow @ 0.5ml/L and Environoc 401. For the hydro gals not much changed except I dropped the res level a bit because the roots have dropped. Also, my talented gf made me some kickass custom artwork
  4. Aaaah, I see, nice! I've yet to dance to your song, but I'll give it a bash some time.
  5. donnob


    I I agree, it is a challenge that we need to overcome, as @420SA said, not everyone has the same loadshedding challenges, then in the same light, not everyone has the luxury of taking their plants out. I vote we stick to the rules and roll with the punches
  6. donnob


    Week 2 Mini Update Things are looking good still, I haven’t changed anything really. The hydro girls have dropped little roots so things should be happening soon. Organic girl is also just chillin' doing her thing.
  7. donnob


    I can relate to that
  8. donnob


    Week 1 Update / Germination Week Day 01 - Dropped seeds into RO water to start germination Day 02 - Dipped seeds in Environoc401 and put them into peat pellets. Put the 3 pellets into a humidity dome and placed on top of a heated bed Day 05 - Girls broke the surface Day 06 - For the 2 girls going into hydro: potted my current grow into soil and cleaned out my system and filled with RO water and added 0.5ml/L TA micro, grow and bloom, 1ml/L of Environoc 401 and 1tsp Mycoroot. PH'ed to 5.8 and EC 0.4. Placed the 2 pellets into net pots with clay pebbles. Thought I'd get the bio life going while I'm waiting for the roots to drop. For the girl going organic: potted the peat pellet into Freedom Farm soil (green bag). Added 1tsp Mycoroot to the bottom of the hole.
  9. donnob


    Week 1 / Day 5 Mini Update There is a clear front runner already showing off her wares. The other 2 are right behind her. I have them in the tent now and it seems to be going smoothly so far..
  10. donnob

    3D Printing

    Love the D&D stuff!!
  11. donnob


    All 3 are peeking out the soil, checking out their options, one in particular more than the others but all in all looks like it's going to be a 3/3 germination here
  12. donnob

    3D Printing

    That iron man mask looks sweet, did you use one of those coatings to get that smooth finish?
  13. donnob

    3D Printing

    For one of my grow projects I wanted to exhaust my tent to the outside and also pull outside air in. So I removed the glass window and replaced it with 4mm plexiglass, I chose a cloudy plexiglass that only allows 30% light through. I had the plexiglass lasercut to the ducting diameters and also clearance for my bolts. I then drew up and 3D printed the louvers on the one side and the duct attachments on the other.
  14. donnob

    3D Printing

    Anyone out there with a 3D printer? Man these tools are cool for bringing an idea to life. I know @ChefDylan and @Pants are creating some cool shit. Thought I'd create a thread to see what everyone else is doing with their toys and what 3D printer they're using. Coming from an engineering background my makes are more problem solving whereas other makes might be more on the creative side, doing figurines and chess sets etc. So what's on your printer bed and have you printed anything that could be useful for our grows, maybe we can share stl files (is that allowed?) or maybe I can help out with CAD for an idea, who knows, let's chat...
  15. donnob


    It is a pretty cool hijack, maybe we can start a 3D printing thread Care to name drop? Or maybe a hint then.. It's not the size that matters... or so they say
  16. donnob


    Yea, it's in my grow room because I print so much grow stuff that and any problem I can solve with CAD and my 3D printer I have... only 1, sadly... Ender 5 pro. Your only limit is your imagination and it turns out it makes a mean heat mat well What do you print @ChefDylan?
  17. donnob


    All 3 little guys sank so this morning I dipped them in 401 and put them into peat pellets. I set put my 3D printer's heated bed on to 30deg and put my dome on top, hoping to get a temp of +/-25-27deg in the dome, so I'll adjust every now and then as needed.
  18. donnob


    Seeds are chilling in a luke warm bath
  19. donnob


    Where has this community been all my <growing> life
  20. donnob


    This is great advice, thanks crex! I've been researching quite a bit, trying it out on my other grow and adding bio to a sterile environment is a gamechanger for me. Thanks for helping out
  21. donnob


    Thanks man, yea, it's going to be a ride. Already started learning
  22. donnob


    I was wondering about adding the mycoroot to the res, didn't want to take a chance but I'll definitely give that a bash now. I normally change every +/-10 days so stretching that to 14 days would be easy. Thanks for that
  23. donnob


    So the couriers just dropped my seeds off which means I'm the official "laat lammetjie" . Thanks for the weekend's grace @420SA and community In light of this I'll start my diary off with my planned approach and then figure out how to deal with losing about 2 weeks of veg . My thinking here is to cause as little stress as possible, meaning final pots with LST and no topping. My germination strategy would be dropping the seeds into luke warm water until the morning after which all 3 will go straight into peat pellets. I'm going to use my 3D printer bed and set it to 30deg for a makeshift heat mat to give them a cozy welcoming. Once they've sprouted and roots have shown they'll go directly into their respective final pots. My normal growing method is hydro and I'm going to free up 2 slots by potting my current grow into fabric pots and then try my hand at organic with the last bean (successful germination permitting). My current grow is only 4 weeks into veg now so they should recover... right? For my hydro I'll be using my usual T.A. (GHE) Tri-Series regime but this time including Environoc 401. I'll be keeping... loosely... to the feeding charts minus about 25% and then adjusting thereafter according to their needs. A comment by @CreX somewhere in my travels here got me interested in "bioponics" and I've since started incorporating Environoc 401 in my other tent with some positive results. Definitely think this is my hydro route I'm following here. As for my organic grow I'll be using T.A Pro Organic along with Environoc 401 and MycoRoot in Freedom Farms soil and fabric pots. My set up for this grow will be a 120x70x165cm tent with an old style BestVA LED drawing about 240W at the wall, hopefully I'll be able to invest in a QB before flower . For vent I have a 6" inline exhaust fan and a 4" inline intake fan pulling air in from outside. I'm excited for the opportunity to grow alongside and learn from the veteran horticulturists here Let's do this!
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