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  1. Russet mite infection, trying to sort it out. But it's slowing everything down.
  2. Just switch to flower, and gave a preflower watering.
  3. I normally use a 100L pot for my mother's. They say 40L bags but I can put 60L
  4. Looks like the 3rd seed never popped. So only 2 beautiful ones are growing.
  5. 2 of the 3 popped up I can see the third coming
  6. Thanks so much!! Yes first time competitor, I've been growing indoor for about almost 3 years now. So I'm not too bad
  7. Just put the 3 Tortoni seeds into soil, hopefully they pop super quick.
  8. Thanks buddy, no it's not, I put a small bit the whole bottom layer of the glass and the rest is water bro.
  9. Just received my 420sa indoor grow off seeds just germinate the 3 x beautiful Tortoni Feminized seeds in some explogrow 2 have sunk after the last couple hours to the bottom as 1 floats at the top still
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