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  1. On the topic on customs and seeds I think they are as confused as to what to do or some of the officials at the local branches are "repossessing" our seeds. My Seedsman order got confiscated by Customs at the Cape Mail hub in April. My order had about 20 seeds, all seeds were CBD seeds with invoice and everything. Their reason was that the cross border movement of cannabis seeds is prohibited and I would need a phytosanitary certificate. However there is nothing on the SARS website that says anything about cannabis seeds being a prohibited item, let alone CBD seeds?! And phytosanitary certificates are more for bulk buys for distribution. I tried to challenge it and even called SARS Customer service who agreed with me on my right to buy cannabis/hemp seeds. However the Capemail guys were adamant that it was illegal and I was somehow violating the Drug Trafficking Act, which is BS. AFAIK the customs official probably just took the seeds home for her own personal use.
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