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  1. I hear what you are saying and sounds like you have a good mind for business, something I am still working on. I am however aware none of these options have really specialised features for indoor gardening … something im working really hard to add into what I to offer to make it worth it for the buyer. I also believe in not overpricing products because at the end of the day only one person wins where as hundreds could have so like i said my target market will be hobbyist growers and I will assure that it will be fairly priced for consumers that fit that description. Anyways just wanted to say the feedback you guys have been giving me is interesting and great and gives me plenty toe work on ! Thanks guys.
  2. Yeah I don't want to give away to much of my game in public domain just to be safe but im hoping to develop some really cool software that will include data collection so that people can really intuitively keep track of their grow and previous grows
  3. Thanks you guys @Chris Jay and @Naughty.Psychonaut No I dont know much about sonoff gadgets but ill definitely have a look to get an idea of what these things cost and so on
  4. Hello everyone, I was hoping you lot can help me out. I'm busy developing a new product that will automate your climate controls. so how it works is a sensor gives a reading about your climate ( like rh and temps ) and will switch your appliances on and off according to how you set your desired climate variables (eg: temps between 22 and 26 ens. ) I am also looking to develop a super cool app where it will record all the data from your grow and you will have remote control over your grow making things like a holiday or weekend easy and simple. I was just wondering what you guys think about the idea before I dive too deep into it. If I start up it will only be available for you SA growers at first so any indication on your thoughts of my idea will be great . (Ps I have a prototype up and running in my own grow that only controls my light cycle and temps and I'm super happy with it.)
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