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Everything posted by Budwizer

  1. Also have one of those. A quick review: it’s a cheap Chinese piece of s**t. I bet GTHydro pays R5 a piece. It’ll do in a pinch, but see if you can find something better.
  2. Hey RR As far as I can tell, you're on Tapatalk. No need to worry bud.
  3. Remember that one guy?? What was his name?? Ah dammit, its on the tip of my tongue....
  4. Dolomite lime is a good idea, only question is, how much. Bonemeal is also a good idea. The problem is that you don't have the time it'll take for those ingredients to stabilize. Definitely make up your mix, but add some Talborne organic veg, at the very least. Leave this mix for your next grow, or at least two months. Some EWC can't hurt either. For this grow, you need something ready to rock, and GLO's offer is something many here would fight you for. Make a plan and take him up on it.
  5. I'm not sure, but isn't 1 teaspoon (5g)/ liter quite high, even for foliar feeding?
  6. You're welcome dude. You're learning the biggest lessons to learn in this hobby. Next time, you're gonna see the rewards.
  7. Ah buddy... Just read through your entire thread. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to ya- this grows not going well. You should have had big bushes by now. I'm just saying this to maybe help you move on to a new batch. This batch isn't going to yield well, and is costing you time, effort and money. I've seen many enthusiastic growers like you give up because they didn't know when to call it on a bad batch. Things to improve on: You need bigger lights, seriously dude. Really try not to overwater, next time. Buy some soil from Jamie's garden shop or similar, just to try on your next go, I'm sure things will go better, and it'll reignite your enthusiasm, and confidence.
  8. Cannabisseeds.co.za have delivered 3 orders in a row within 2 days of my payment. Germ rates 80%.
  9. The aluminium foil covering the lid of your tote is the obvious cause of the pH fluctuation you're struggling with.
  10. Way I see it, you got two choices- Hand yourself over to the cops at your nearest popo hut, or, and this is what I always do, kiss your wife/mommy, pack a rucksack and go rough it under a bridge of the N1(works in Josi and CT). 6 months usually does it. When you return, all's forgotten.
  11. Found Pachamama on this forum yesterday. Prices are much better! Maybe give them a try. Return the favour and let us know how it went.
  12. Ordered from them and received seeds two days later. Can't comment on germ rates yet.
  13. If you're mixing soil today for planting on the weekend, your grow journal will look like this: Day one: yay! Beans planted ..... ..... ..... Day seven: oh no! What's wrong, why my leaves all dyin and stuff. Then you'll be here on the forum asking what we think, can any body help etc. etc. Don't say I didn't tell ya.
  14. No reason not to do both.
  15. RO filtration usually happens through 4 steps. Some systems the add a fifth carbon filtration step. This produces RO water with a pH of around 6, and EC of 0,01. This is almost pure water, but it's not very good for human consumption. Steps 6 to 8 are for adding minerals back to the water, in order to increase pH, and add calcium and other minerals which are good for people. Ask the water shop what pH the water has, and what minerals are added.
  16. If the water place is adding minerals in one of the filtration steps, then, the water will tend to be buffered at a pH of 7, and thus not correct for growing MJ.
  17. A little negative pressure never killed anybody It's not a problem as long as your tent doesn't collapse, and doesn't eat too much space. The OPs problem seems such.
  18. Your soil mix is too hot, and I suspect pH is all out of whack. You can try to save it- flush , flush and flush some more. I'd get at least 100 lt of tap water dechlorinated, and pour 30 lt through each pot. You didn't mention any other nutrients, but I'd give it two to three days, check how things are going, and feed a weak strength Biobizz Grow. If things improve, then add a little Fishmix, and take it from there. Just occurred to me: those plants symptoms could also be fungus gnats. There's plenty info on this forum on how to deal with them. Good luck!
  19. You mean negative pressure.
  20. On tight budget, with a spotlight on hand, short answer is yes, you can. Provided the spotlight is either an MH or HPS, plants will grow under it. Read the article Toby referenced, and you'll understand why it's a short answer, and the conclusion to the long answer is is more of a "yes, but I wouldn't."
  21. Gonna share where one might acquire such hardware?
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