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Everything posted by greenblunt

  1. greenblunt

    Mexican run

    No just leave it for now you could risk even more damage, just weather it and see what happens.
  2. greenblunt

    Mexican run

    Your jars look good however, do you have micropore tape or some sort of filter tape on the top to allow for fresh air exchange? If not that will most definitely lead to contamination.
  3. Very nice, do you ever use mycorrhiza?
  4. Check out the seed banks thread.
  5. Wonder how that will effect importing of seeds as well, hopefully that will increase local seed markets.
  6. I wonder what will be accepted quantity to grow at home.
  7. Western Cape High Court rules that can cultivate, possess dagga at home. Parly must change laws that relate to prohibition @News24
  8. http://www.integral-led.com/education/warm-white-or-cool-white
  9. No it is not, white even comes in different spectrums of white.
  10. Thanks I do recall seeing your name on the only weed days
  11. Nice seeds. I'm waiting for some of mine to begin to flower then I'm going to dose them with GA3. Hopefully get my first batch of female seeds
  12. Bring seeds, dont even think of bring hash or anything. If the dogs at the airport smell it you will enjoy the finest south africa has to offer in jail cells.
  13. Greetings, I look forward to engaging with the community. I'm not a smoker really, I however enjoy the botany aspect of growing and crossing strains. I am currently testing out a Bubblicious X Cheese that I did last year. It will most likely be bad. But thats the fun of it. Anyways Hi.
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