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  1. Just wanted to add another good seed company to the list, had great service from these guys and pretty reasonable. https://durbanseed.co.za/
  2. Nice set up. What was the price of the S2W please and can you only order them from overseas or is there a local dealer? Thanks
  3. Well I just googled springtails and seems I was wrong in what I had seen in my garden, seems I have springtail and not root aphids. This is a small blessing as what I have read is root aphids are near impossible to get rid of, now back to springtails how do I control these little bugs? Thanks in advance.
  4. Ok, so I have identified the bugs they are root aphids. How do I kill them now, any suggestions? Thanks
  5. Hey all, I was moving my clones into bigger pots last night and found these little silver looking bugs in my roots mass, did not get a photo unfortunately. They vary in size, also seem to hang outside the bottom of the pot. Any one got an idea of what they are and do I need to nuke them some how? I have a weekly spray with neem or pyrol as it is, so not sure how they continue to live? Thanks
  6. Hi all, Just a heads up, General Hydroponics Flora series will be available soon. The distributor HydroTech Centre have finally been able to get the products registered with the Dept of Agriculture and there is a shipments inbound. I understand that the rest of the GH lines are getting registered and will be available in the near future. Give them a shout, they are on the web.
  7. Found this on the net. Not sure if this will help, never used this product.
  8. Thanks for the reply, I did see that on the hortishop website. Was also wondering about how often it is feed? Daily, weekly? I would like to use it as a soil drench.
  9. Hey all, So have learnt so much since I found this site, just need a little help please. I grow with coco/perlite mix, I use Nutriplex. I would like to add kelpak into my feeding cycle, what should I use per 10L of water for vegging plants? Do you keep using once you into flower? Thanks
  10. Good tip sir, I find the overseas banks very efficient.
  11. So it seems that GSR have moved their distribution to Europe, their prices are now in Euros and seem very expensive compared to other European seed banks.
  12. Hi all, Local grower and oil taker. Glad to find a local forum. Peace
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