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afternoon blazer

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Everything posted by afternoon blazer

  1. @StickyD420 Look at u bro. playing the master courier
  2. Congratz brobeans .missed it. Deserevd
  3. @TheUltimateNoob what happened to the watering system?
  4. @Newbie_2020 The watering system might be abit over kill right now then. Had a look at it. Seems like a cool system. But more for the large scale. Just trying to save u some bucks.
  5. Howzit bro. How many plants u planning on growing at a time?
  6. @Bakstein420Bro. What was the reason the gelato was that small?
  7. @Bakstein420 bro. For your 1st photo. The way u started and training.
  8. Yoh. U guys having the time of ur lives here.
  9. Good stuff @DamDave Interesting to see how it goes
  10. So far. Havnt seen any reason not too. Check out their range bro.
  11. Looks great bro. What sort of temps u get out there
  12. Under 400 bucks bro. And he uses them. And is very impressed by them. So y not.
  13. Awsome bro. Using a light Crex recomended. Acdc 150w cool white led
  14. Thanks bud. Really apreciate the detailed help. I do have some good seed starter plugs. Dont have a dome or heat mat. I will try and use my light to increase the temp in the grow box. Will use a plastic something to create a dome maybe. Humidity is good in there for now. Wont fiddle with that too much. Thanks bro. Got a seed soaking at the moment. And 1 in the starter and in the pot.
  15. Thanks @CreX @GGG Crex is always chilled out about everything. Haha. Gona try and utilize the light for some heat.
  16. Ok i get you. I do have 2 galon fabric pots(seed is in already-auto). On plastic drip trays. Think it would help? If i put the heating pad under those. I do have a circulation fan in there that i could use to move air around. And switch of my extraction fan. As i have 2 air vents at the bottom And i have a 150w led in there.
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