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afternoon blazer

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Everything posted by afternoon blazer

  1. Glad to be of any help bro. @Ozzi Post some shit Lets get a peak of what u working with.
  2. Small update. Please note: this is the humidity outside of the plastic bag. Plastic bag and paper towel is moist I hope the conditions are ok.
  3. Solid grow for that space bro. Checked out a few of ur growz now. Welldone man. Looking forward to that advise
  4. @TheUltimateNoob. I get u . I get u. Coz i know on the cars u could barely touch them. Just making sure.
  5. Dammm brobeans. Firstly those pics are fire. Secondly welldone on the co2 generator. Liking it. Howz that working out still? Thirdly how tall is this lovely lady.
  6. Looks good bro. How long ago did u germinate. And how old are they now?
  7. Thanks bro. Yeah i came accross the migro video with converting lux to par. Thats how i ended up with the lux picture and the par picture. So the top pic. Is a playstore app measuring the lux intensity at different heights from the light. ( LIGHT METER -Trajkovski labs) not adjustable The bottom pic. Is the conversion from a website . From lux to par. At those same distances.
  8. Howzit guys I started this adventure trying to find the cheapest and simplest way to grow some good bud. Unfortunatly from my personal experience. There isint really a cheap way. If you dont want to be frustrated and and have issues all the time and have a successfull grow to be proud of. U need to spend a decent amount of cash. Enjoy. . . Germination So i germinated 1 banana monkey seed from biltong and budz. Thursday night(9-07-2020) 13 hours in a shot glass. Then moved to a paper towel. And a plastic bag and left in darkness near my modem for warmth.(10-07-2020) .Until a taproot was visible. GROW setup Big shoutout to the forum for helping me get this grow box right. @CreX @Prom @Fridgedoor @StickyD420 @Bakstein420 @TheUltimateNoob @Ill_Evan @oldsandals @Totemic @ORGANinc. Full DIY vegbox 500x700 x 1000 high (double wall cardboard) 2 x side intake vents cutout with net coverings. 1 x 150w acdc cool white floodlight (Highly reccomended by @Crex. 1 x high power pc extractor fan. 2 x air circulation pc desk fans inside. 1 x chinese air humidifier 2 x white box stands to raise the pots to the light. Inside of the box was covered in foil. And then sprayed matt white for even light distribution. Grow medium and nutez. Freedom farms classic(green bag) Biobizz - gro- bloom-topmax Seagro 2 galon fabric pots Grow monitoring Hygrometer for temp and himidity Ph pen(ordered from wish) Tds pen(ordered from wish) No timer used. Temperature range Night low 17 degrees Day high 26 degrees. This grow box is solely for veging and providing the dark cycle for the plants. When flowering starts. Plants will be moved outside at specific times and back to dark at specific times. I will start of with 24/0 And then with the advise advise of the forum change my cycle. Will probably use the veg light to extend the daylight hours just a little bit. COSTING BREAKDOWN. 5 Seeds with delivery- R430 Nutrients biobizz nd seagro- R800 Syringe and jiffy starters- R20 Soil -R200 Fabric pot and sauser-R75 Pc extractor fan- free Double wall Cardboard box-R140 Foil- free Matt spray paint -R70 2 x circulation fans and cables-R120 Humidifier- R100 Hygrometer-R100 Veg light -R380 Extension cable and multiplug-R100 Ph pen+shipping -R150 Tds pen+ shipping - R140 Microscope+ shipping- R70 420 FORUM advise - FREE FREE FREE Total = R2895 More to follow. . .
  9. Morning all. Just wanted to know. Since im starting a grow fresh. Should i start a new topic. And have a fresh start with the grow? @CreX @StickyD420 @Ill_Evan @Bakstein420 @Fridgedoor @TheUltimateNoob @Prom
  10. Sounds interesting bro. R u in the gas industry?
  11. Just out of interest. How would u increase co2?
  12. This sounds lekker Zool Send pics if u do go that route
  13. I dont got any root juice. Just the bloom. Gro and topmax comming on the 21st. And the Seagro
  14. Also. I know autos need to go into their final pot at the begining. But @Fridgedoor says the FF soil that im using. Might be abit harsh for the auto seedling. So suggested i make a small hole in my final pot and put a seed starter in there. But i got the 2 different mediums above. Which 1 should i start with.
  15. @Prom ok sounds like a plan. My temps drop to 16 degrees at night. Any suggestions for keeping the seeds warm??
  16. What up guys. Hope everyone is well. Im finally ready to start this grow. Need some germinating advise here. Tryna get this 100 percent correct. Auto guys please come through. I know @Fridgedoor and @Prom have great experience with autos and use the same nutez i will be using(biobizz) So i have these 2 starters that i got from GTH. 1. Which should i start the seed in? 2. Should i germ with a shot glass and paper towl and then put them in the starters or put the seeds straight in? My bad. Abit zoned. Forgot the pic
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