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Everything posted by Rob189

  1. Thanks for the help. Will add some perlite to the pots that they will be transplanted to
  2. We’ve got some curling on the leaves... Also, this lady seems to be stretching quite a lot for being under a 150w mh
  3. @StickyD420 im using that Just Cannabis soil, which im expecting to be decent. that being said, it does seem to be retaining water for quite long...
  4. You reckon some nitrosol would be lekker?
  5. Im a little concerned at how yellow the leaves are...
  6. Growing a lot slower than what they used to, or maybe I’m just impatient...
  7. Im very concerned by the size/quality of the cotyledons on this strain. usually, from the seeds that ive germinated, the plant has no problem breaking open the seed casing. This Blueberry Poison just seems to lack the energy to do it on its own
  8. Hey guys. A friend of mine grew a plant for shits and gigs. Its his first plant and was grown outdoors in some pretty crappy looking soil, but alas......is she ready to be axed? thanks
  9. Tbh i’m not surprised. Of my 3 BP seeds that arrived, the one that i planted looked like it had a crack in it. Good thing that my backup seed should be showing face any day now
  10. @afternoon blazer removed the shell the day after it stopped growing. Hope i was gentle enough
  11. BP hasnt grown at all over the passed couple days planted another just in case things go south The CBD seeds seem to be doing ok.
  12. @TheUltimateNoob I’ve got 2x 150w mh. I reckon i can cover 1m^2 comfortably with them
  13. @StickyD420 Ive changed it. The probe is now buried at the bottom of the pot. controller showed that the temp was 1 degree higher than the air around the pot
  14. Changed over to the MH. Lets see what happens. Photoperiod will still stay on 18/4
  15. Temperature sensor is sitting in between the pots
  16. Added a temperature controller with a heating pad. Set the controller at 22 delgrados
  17. 2 of my cfls have blown can just run my 150w 3200k bulb over the babies with a veg lighting period?
  18. @TheUltimateNoob i have an entire garage lol. Space is not an issue
  19. @StickyD420 thanks yeah been very worried about the soil being too wet. is there a thread that explains how to top a plant properly? And how often
  20. Longest 4 days of life, but shes alive
  21. Speaking of Veg... how long should i be vegging for? I was planning on 2 months veg
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