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Everything posted by THCSA

  1. Chopped the greenhouse clones a week or two early. Was a use it or lose it with all the rain and humidity. Popped a bunch of my seeds. Stoked to see the results of my pollen chucking. Treated pre flower and clones with bio sulphur foliar spray at sunset. 5ml/L Made a fermented banana juice recipe video Epic bang for buck and faya in my organic beds. Super simple to make.
  2. Stoked to see you grow the shizzle out of the banizzle.
  3. Heard last week that a previous cup in CT charged cup entrants both bud and a cash entrance fee.
  4. Entry still open. Can enter here https://thehighco.co.za/cape-town-cannabis-cup-application/
  5. A vlog update of the greenhouse. Very happy with the timing on the seed plant, but should of not put clones or autos out until February.
  6. Will only be running standard tests at the venue with 2 portable units. Qure have offered full tests for 2023 as will have more time to co-ordinate with the growers. This is an opportunity to start somewhere and build for 2023. It's also far more than anyone else in the community has attempted so far. @Khakibos, are you gonna enter or be a judge?
  7. Two of the sponsors are bringing their test gear for the day. Green Smoke Room Seeds have a Gemmacert and Qure have a Sage Analytics Profiler. All entrants will be tested side by side. We will announce a strongest in show. Maybe a cool trophy too. They will be offering bud tests for the judges. Qure have offered to run full profiles for the 2023 cup, including terp analysis. This would take a bit more notice all round next timeand is certainly on my whiteboard. Potency was an abstract thing to judge at The Amber Cups, as the THC lines become very blurred when blazing or dabbing plenty. So yes... dimensions such as appearance, flavour/smell, burn, effect play very important roles when judging. Cannabis is 420% subjective and I respect that some opinions are held higher than others. The event is open to anyone who wants to judge. Everyone get's one vote. You coming?
  8. Yeah, expecting far more frost this time. Things have changed a lot in the last few years. Sad but true. The one that won was purely on bag appeal. Could see that many folk picked it as the winner before even smelling or toking it. It was still killa weed. Just wonder if it was the best. Yeah, had a couple of green house entries. Great spot on the pip spoor. True that. Personally chasing terps in my grow. Strong weed is kinda becoming a given. Am preferring flavour over potency.
  9. The growers have spoken and we have listened. Dropped the entrance to 25g. You can enter here https://thehighco.co.za/cape-town-cannabis-cup-application/ Will allow a few more entrants to keep the judges fueled. Here's some pics from The Continental Cannabis Cup a couple of years ago that inspired this event.
  10. High all. Glad to confirm that we already have several sponsors on board. One of which is Dab Star. Entries are also going well:)
  11. Defoliated the greenhouse and tent. Added predator mites. Leaves and lower buds went into the worm farm. Gonna flip the tent soon.
  12. The cup is open for anyone to enter or be a judge. I don't use word's like best when discussing events.
  13. I don't use words like "best" as it may offend someone. If I had to consider every opinion I would never get anything done. 10 strains is a reasonable amount to judge in one afternoon/evening. 0.5g of each strain is also a fair amount to review.
  14. Only the selected entrants will need to send in their 50g. No. The 10 best will be selected. If some one enters after the selections they will be too late, unless the herb is worth making an exception for and adding.
  15. Yes. Capped at 10 but exceptions can be made for exceptional herb.
  16. Yip. A judged pass means that you get to judge.
  17. There won't be an online stream or anything like that. There will however be some post event content. The judging cards will take into consideration terps, bag appeal,etc. But each judge will need to select their favourite and vote for it.
  18. Yip, 500g for 100 judges. This is cup where the judges get to toke not just look and smell. Entrants are welcome to take back any leftovers. Would rather have a little too much bud than way too little. It also leaves a little room for that fattest buds to be displayed. Doubt that everyone will get through their 5 grams (10x0.5), although some certainly will. What do you think is a fair number?
  19. Green House Weather has been the same. Stretch on flowering clones has stopped and they're starting to push flowers. Seed plants have grown like crazy and started pre-flower. Fed all plain water last week. Fed clones nutes this week: 1ml/L TA Pro Organic Bloom, 0.5ml/L banana FFJ, Cal Mag, splash of worm tea. Fed seed plants: 1ml/L TA Pro Organic Grow, 0.2ml/L TA Pro Organic Bloom, 0.2ml/L banana FFJ, Cal Mag, splash of worm tea. Tent Temps still at around 30. May be worthwhile venting in cooler air. Defoliated. Fed all plain water last week. Seeds Finally all harvested and sorted. Now curing. Germination tests next. While over target, I could of achieved way more with thicker strains. Jungle Boy crosses produced double what the inhouse clones did.
  20. I agree that a couple more months notice would be ideal. Will definitely take that into consideration for 2023. We have judges passes available online. It will be great way to spend a day and get an idea of what your competition will be like next year.
  21. Only 10 cultivars will be entered and they will be selected before the event. There will be an element of first come first in for entrants. But quality is the top priority when making our pre-selection. Entrance for the cup will be minimum 50g of 1 cultivar. The judges will get to try each of the 10 and vote for their favourite 1.
  22. When attending 420 events one of the most frequent questions I get is "when are you gonna do another D-Day or Amber Cup?" So I grabbed the bull by the horns when an opportunity presented itself. The Cape Town Cannabis Cup will be taking place on Saturday the 26th of March in the heart of The Mother City. This is conveniently on the same weekend as the Cannabis Expo and will make the most of top shelf local and international guests. Am putting a lot of effort and expense into making this a V-High-P experience. Here's the info for tickets, sponsorships and how to enter. https://thehighco.co.za/the-cape-town-cannabis-cup-2022/
  23. Greenhouse: Temps have been low 20's and humidity at 90% average. Consistent drizzle, rain or cloud cover Been like this for a few weeks. A few sunny days in between. Pulled a Dauiquiriu lime #1. Signs of mildew and bud rot. Will only plant autos later next season. Reckon Jan/Feb planting is the sweet spot to avoid rain/humidity issues in buds. Offed a couple more grasshoppers by hand. Foliared with Bio Sulphur at sunset. 7ml/L on the autos and 3m/L on the rest of the greenhouse Signs of over nuting on some of the flowering in-house. A few gentle leaf curls. Fed plain water. Tent: Plants are growing, fed a little bit of plain water. Will clone and flip soon. Temps have been high 20's and 60% humidity. Seeds: Still half a dozen plants to harvest seed from. Humidity is crazy high so plants aren't drying nicely. Easier to wait until buds are bone dry rather than squeeze the seeds out.
  24. Using Freedom Farms Classic in the tent. Outside beds are permaculture and I add the old freedom farms from tent to the beds.
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