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Furbrain last won the day on December 25 2022

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  1. Many thanks for the information!. I'm in a Karroo environment. No real issues with controlling temp/RH!. Only starting grow in a few weeks and will try and get a grow diary going!. Will probably do the 'lights on' at night which will help maintain parameters easier!. Have a groovy year.......
  2. Hi folks, I will be starting an indoor grow soon!. I am wondering about the environment when in dark periods, ie; should the RH and temperature be kept the same as the 'lights on' parameters?. I will be aiming for 27° (LST) and -/+ 68% RH to start with using LED's for lights on!. Do I maintain same RH and Temp when lights are off?. Appreciate your feedback on this please.
  3. Hi folks, happy Christmas to you all. I wonder what the actual EC ammounts should be using Mega nutrients?. The ammounts (EC) shown on the containers are between 0.7 -1.5 however I see (attached) a Mega nutrients chart that shows EC going as high as 1.9!. Can't understand why there is a difference between chart EC and the amount stated on container,....... ie, which EC ammounts should I follow?. Appreciate any input please . All the best for New Year.
  4. Hi folks, happy Christmas to you all. I wonder what the actual EC ammounts should be using Mega nutrients?. The ammounts (EC) shown on the containers are between 0.7 -1.5 however I see (attached) a Mega nutrients chart that shows EC going as high as 1.9!. Can't understand why there is a difference between chart EC and the amount stated on container,....... ie, which EC ammounts should I follow?. Appreciate any input please . All the best for New Year.
  5. Hi Prom. Totally agree with you and IF I continue with hydro I will invest in a water chiller. It's very possible that I may go the organic soil way next grow inside!. Apart from the usual rigmarole of nursing young plants........when older they will only need water at possibly only every 36-48hrs. That means (as I see it) keeping water in tank at a good temperature for this amount of time is a fairly pointless exercise as I can easily 'prepare' water for individual feeds ie; every 36-48 hrs. I'm only growing 4 plants at any given time so would only have to prepare around 10 LTRs at each event. Let's see how this existing grow works out and before I decide what the next grow will be I will 'wing' the Nute temp with frozen bottles before investing in something (chiller) for a hydro future. Have a lekker day......
  6. Just started trying the 'frozen bottle' suggestion!. 3 500ml bottles have brought the temperature down to 20.8° from 23.5°!. Will monitor and update but working well.
  7. Very interesting indeed!. The idea is soundand makes sense. I'm running my whole system on solar so every extra watt needs to be considered!. I will keep an eye out for a small bar fridge or freezer that might be suitable. In the meantime I'll be a 'poor grower' and try some frozen water bottles!. Many thanks for your great idea.
  8. Greetings. I have a Wilma 4 pot hydro system!. There are pros and cons. One 'con' is that the reservoir water will stay at the same temp as the tent temperature or maybe a touch lower. Reservoir water stays around 24-25° which I think is too warm.....................?. The tank has to stay in tent so I wonder about ways of keeping tank temps down WITHOUT having to purchase a super dooper water chiller ?. I read somewhere that there are additives you can use in the water that stop any unwanted microbes (that thrive) in warm water messing with the plants. Any ideas or should I move to Iceland ?.
  9. Or maybe line the bottom with clay balls?????????
  10. Would they work with Coco or would you germ/prop in soil (with air pots) and then plant in Coco afterwards?.
  11. Good afternoon all..... I wonder, are fabric pots good to use with Coco?. I'm early into a grow. I have auto feed dripper set for 5mins every 6hrs and am getting+/_ 10% runoff at each event!. The thing that concerns me is how the fabric pots remain very wet (bottom 10%) until next fertigation!. It's almost as if the fabric is holding in the water and not draining through properly!. I've even got algea starting in places!. The plant is only 3 weeks old so I don't expect the roots are near the bottom yet so I'm wondering if I should try another type of pot for the Coco. I know coco needs to be kept moist but these fabric pots seem to retain wetness at the bottom?. Maybe some people punch holes in the bottom????. Any ideas or thoughts appreciated.......
  12. Hi Dave. Have waited a few days before answering to see how the girls are behaving!. They don't look bad I must admit!. Just coming into veg and so I'm gradually increasing to 1500ec?. Today I'm sitting at 770ec (up from 400) with pH of 5.7. There are 4 feeds a day. 5mins every 6hrs. I'm getting around 10% runoff with that schedule!. This Coco stuff takes some getting used to I must admit!. It's just weird to imagine the girls feet sitting in a moist inviroment all the time and being happy ........unlike soil!. Ah well, if this works then I'm a happy camper. Time will tell!. My idea was to increase nutes by around 400ec every 2 days (8feeds) until I reach 1500 . Leave at that for a couple of weeks then go to 2000ec???????. I won't measure runoff again. Saves me from heart attack . Thanks for reassurance....... Will keep ph 5.8-6.0.
  13. Will try and I've ordered a set!. Thanks for the advice and have a groovy day.
  14. Hi Dave, hope all is well in your neck of the woods. These look interesting !. In soil or Coco would you just keep them moist all the time OR wait until they dry before water....... (like a solo cup)?.
  15. I appreciate the information........ thankyou! I feel more comfortable with this Wilma 4 pot system now!. My problem seems to be with the amount and when to feed a seedling (in soil). I've murdered so many by drowning them I ought to be in prison!...... Of course that makes me nervous using this hydro system for the first time and really not knowing what to expect. So far, this indoor setup with clay pebbles seems much more forgiving than the soil/Coco setup outside. I was told you can even run the hydro 24/7 and you won't drown your plants 'by mistake'..............!. That gives a newbie like me more breathing space and no stress at feeding times. I won't stress too much about the pH now either after your reassuring comments. 'Apparently' I could even come down to 5.5ph with this setup ????........... Also I'm lead to understand that under 6ph is better for growth rising to 6.3 when flowering?????.........so will try and keep it in the 5.5 -6.0 for now???......
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