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Everything posted by Jimmy-z

  1. First grow, Royale Haze week 13/14 Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  2. Royale Haze on week 11/12 & started showing a few pistils a week ago. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  3. Just contacted them, they'll have stock of their autos in 2 weeks. They also have a 25% off sale on right now. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  4. Yes legit, ordered twice already. They are kak busy atm, orders seem to be doubling month on month especially since the latest court judgement. You can link up with the owner on the facebook page if needed. Any feed back on germ rate please? Getting 100% germ rate on my amnesia kush & royale haze. My soil mix was off so I lost 2 of 4 amnesia kush. Nursing them back to health in proper growing medium. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk Popped two of my California Hash Plant seeds. Both came up strong in 3 days. From cannabisseeds. :-loveit Hi I am not impressed with cannabisseeds.co.za. I placed an order on the 10th of July it is now the 1st of August and I'm still waiting for my order :-( Any feedback from them yet? I was thinking of ordering some more soon... Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  5. For mine as well... Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  6. yup. Lol. I enjoyed the Combo, but switched to a Kylin the beginning of the month. The Kylin has slightly better flavour & holds a bit more liquid with the bigger tank section.
  7. So a quick update. They're getting a bit too big for the windowsill. Will have to move them outside soon. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  8. No extra lighting. On the windowsill they get sun from 10am till about 5. 2 plants in there till the roots have recovered properly. There was literally just a nub where the roots should be, till I changed the soil. There's a few roots I can see on the side of the bottle, so I'll transplant them soon. I'm honestly not expecting much from those. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  9. Greetings from slaapstad. Been lurking a while. Recently started a small windowsill grow. Still have a lot to learn. Used to puff way back in the late 90's & looking to cannabis to help with insomnia. In the pic: amnesia kush on the left @ 8 weeks. Recovering after I burnt the roots with kak soil mix at the start & royale haze on the right @ about 6 weeks. Letting the girls out for some winter sun. using EHG nutrient kit & freedom farms growing medium. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  10. Yes legit, ordered twice already. They are kak busy atm, orders seem to be doubling month on month especially since the latest court judgement. You can link up with the owner on the facebook page if needed. Any feed back on germ rate please? Getting 100% germ rate on my amnesia kush & royale haze. My soil mix was off so I lost 2 of 4 amnesia kush. Nursing them back to health in proper growing medium. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  11. IT support technician for a very high profile client. Haven't had a puff in 20 years, but started a small windowsill grow a few weeks ago. Avid cyclist when the weather is good. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
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