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Everything posted by Gnome

  1. Magnesium carbonate probs? I'm thinking more magnesium sulphate
  2. Aact's is basically what I am making They've just got a few more ingredients
  3. So do you guys have any experience with natural food for the plants What I am currently working on is a mix of sediment of a big fish pond and some chicken shit tea Chicken shit tea is a 25l water container in which i let a bag of chicken shit steep for about a week Oh and I mix chicken shit into the ground but mostly for my other plants What do you guys think any ideas or suggestions
  4. So I started my outdoor bag seed grow i planted 15 seeds lets see how it goes i will upload pics later my pictures are to much for this system
  5. I dont have a plant that is worthy for potm but I have planting of the month
  6. So I started the reveg process on my plants it's 10 day's later and i can see the first signs of the reveging the smooth funny leaves growing out of the heads I am currently feeding them a high nitrogen mix
  7. So that baby monster head is cured and damn is it a good smoke smooth and quite strong it has a slight aroma of silkworms it tastes great and ash white gray
  8. Well i have a 250l drum cut in half growing potatoes A pot with watermelons Giant strawberries hanging from a wall planter Tomatoes 5 different types from your regular tomato to black cherry tomatoes Chinese Lettuce in my windowsill Salvia divinorim San Pedro cactus Yeah that is about it looking to start with mushrooms soon
  9. The process forward The smaller plant will be left outside with the changes in season it will be the control reveg When I receive my blurpel grow light i will move the harvested plant under the light for a forced reveging I will be using seagrow from now on Last pictures was taken 13/08/17 First pic before I harvested the head Second is 2 days after harvest
  10. Hey guy have any of you ordered spores if so where and what was your experience I'm seriously looking to get some spores My next step would be to try and make a culture in agar if you have any experience with that advise would be welcome
  11. I'm surprised at the size of the head i got from these neglected plants i only took the top from one of them I will now start the reveging process on them they will be great mothers If i got this head from a shitty grow just think what it can be wen i actually pay attention to them and give them nutrition
  12. Great information on the medical aspects of cannabis and how the endocannabanoid system works Some insights on the trial of the plant and a little bit of what the future holds But more importantly is the connection made and talking with the people involved where I got the rest of the information i wanted like the plans that will be presented to the legislative court how they plan to prevent monopolies by setting up a system which you can get 1 of 3 licenses 1 to grow up to a certain area but people can combine licenses to double area ,1 license to make extracts or baked goods well any processing of cannabis and 1 for retail And there is talk about having central places where all growers will take the cannabis to be tested and sold All in all it was worth while
  13. Ok wow i did not know ignorance ran this high 1. The butane in the can is liquid (basic fucking chemistry a gass under pressure becomes liquid) 2. The process of turning liquid to gas is a endothermic reaction (this means it gets colder as it turns to gass) 3. Putting the can in the freezer would reduce the thermal shock and remember the -1 boiling point of butane (where it turns back to gass) if you keep the temperature below -1 butane will stay liquid and not make the can colder 4. If you use your can at room temperature your can will reach temperatures of -20°c in Seconds 5. THE LOWEST OPPERATING TEMPERATURE OF THE CAN IS -40°c
  14. Butane freeze at -140°c my freezer dont go that cold hell it does not even go below the cans lowest working temperature -40°c So why should I not put my butane in the freezer
  15. Well i will try a stainless steel flask at some point at this point it is collecting stems I intend to cool the butane to as cold as my freezer can go and the flask cover the product in butane and back to the freezer that way you get long exposure and no evaporation vapour point of butane is 1°c
  16. so i did a small run 8. something grams you will see in pics things that i should have done 1. have stainless mesh but i did not have any so i used coffee filters 2. i should have cut off the extra coffee filter 3. should have used pipe clamp instead of cable ties but overall success if you do not understand the pics ask
  17. They have a catnip plant but they love the weed plants more
  18. Stash is not a problem in our household (we smoke around 400g a month) the cats try to steal nugs from the mulling pad From kitten when I opened my mulling pad it tried to steal away the paper or nugs and i caught one of the cats the other day as they were taking a bite out of a leaf on one of the plants
  19. What made them so small? Early flower or just bad genetics? Early flower i just planted seeds because it became quasi legal so they went into flower at around 7 weeks from being planted Its swazi gold +-18% thc But i will use them to experiment with reveging they can become nice mothers
  20. will anyone be attending the clinical cannabis convention it seems worth it but the price is steep https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/clinical-cannabis-convention/
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