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Everything posted by Bluntly

  1. Beautiful forest you got. The smell must be awesome in there.
  2. Just saw this one again today. Wtf. Is it flowering? Sent from my SM-A700F using Tapatalk
  3. Nice to see. Thanks for showing.
  4. Very nice man. Well done. [emoji108] Sent from my SM-A700F using Tapatalk
  5. Looking good man. Well done. Sent from my T1-A21L using Tapatalk
  6. Looking good bud. You sure had your work cut out for you.
  7. Yes, they are coming up between banana plants. Sent from my SM-A700F using Tapatalk
  8. Just some random bagseed plants coming up in the garden. Don't know if I'm going to grow them out or not. Sent from my SM-A700F using Tapatalk
  9. Welcome bud. Good advice from the guys above.
  10. I used to get activated carbon from aquarium shops. Might be cheaper there than at a hydro shop?
  11. Busy going through this. Will take me a while though. Thanks for sharing, im learning a lot here.
  12. Good idea. I am also willing to do some outdoor grow tests if this happens.
  13. Very nice bud. Quite a few plants to keep you busy.
  14. Nice. Those plants look pretty healthy. Im also starting a dosidos and a cherrypie outdoor grow next week.
  15. Very nice grow. If my growoff plant comes close to this, I will be very happy.
  16. Welcome and good luck on this grow.
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