Greetings everyone. I'll keep this one relatively short.
I have a 60cm x 60cm x 120cm DIY grow box that I want to setup for vegging to hopefully get a perpetual grow going. I can't buy a new light right now so I've put something together with what I had on hand (including a timer)
These are the lights wattages;
LED plate: 1 x ~48w actual (Chinese UFO Blurple)
White LED bulbs: 2 x 9w Osram 6500k
LED bulbs: 2 x ~28w actual (red+blue+white+UVA+IR)
Do you think this would be enough to veg 2-4 trees for 5-6 weeks?
I could also veg 2 trees and use the rest of the space for cloning or keeping a bonsai mother.