So I got my hands on some Cat Piss seeds from Lollipop Seeds in Finland if I'm correct. Well reading up on this strain, is major confusing as one review make it a sativa strong hybrid and some indica strong.. Highly popular in the early 90s with 3 types or phenos talked about.. Great uplifting long lasting vibe once you endured the apparent foul odour and some say taste, where others say nice tasting puff.. With so manny chancers out there one would only know when sampling for yourself and that is what I am planning to do.
I handed the beans to a friend of mine and he managed to get 3 going and all three were female. Cuts are currently being made and I took one of the girls back and will now put her outside. She'll start to flower and I should be able to guage her authenticity before she reveges and I take clones or throw her in the compost heap.. She's a early July baby and had to endure harsh cold and inadequate light. According to some reviews the strain like moderate to cold conditions so having her outside now should not stress her to much I hope..
So here goes.. Lets see if this long lasting, uplifting daytime smoke strain lives up to her followings reviews.. Apparently not for the faint hearted..
Please, if anyone has any experience with growing the strain coment on traits and your opinion. Thnx.