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Anyone using silica? 


Noticeable difference in plant "defense" response, when topping without, notice a small amount of liquid (whatever it may be) sometimes will ooze out. With silica in prior feed, heals instantly. Training for mainlining much easier with slightly more pliable stems.


Also, can be used as pH up due to it's crazy alkalinity, which is the shizzle.

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More ramblings:


Took a couple of clones (near lights out). Silica added in res. change couple days prior.

- No seepage at all, over around an 1  - 1.5 hrs


± 10hrs later, seeping at the cutting points. Checked res.

- 0.1 reduction in solution EC





- I have only once seen an EC decrease (or increase for that matter) on res. maintenance checks, and that was after correcting minor Ca def. moving from virtually no feed as just popped seedling, to light feed- which I attributed to the supplemented calcium being gobbled up a couple of days after adding chelated Ca to correct minor def.  Blind luck, but nonetheless the point being res levels drop, girls drink+eat, res stays stable.


- 0.1 EC flux is nominal and possibly not even within the accuracy tolerance



My understanding of silica "plants mobilize silica to point of damage/infection to crystallize cells around site of attack"or something to that extent. These were big cuts which did not seep during the ±1.5hrs I was able to see before coming back ±10hrs later.


- No seeping at cut

- Noticeable reduction (but somewhat nominal) in res. EC

- Seeping later, after reduction in EC


While any required nute could've been gobbled up to account for the reduction and may not be related, still nonetheless quite interesting.

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