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Cloning for sex


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So i have cloned some congo black , Nothern lights and blueberry (all bag seed) even tho the blueberry looks sativa i still would like to see what i end up with lol..

They have been cloned on the 1st of March most are shooting roots but no balls or pistols yet only on one clone.

Clones were taken from plants around 4 weeks into veg, so they did have the 3 nodes... now day 15 and still no sign of the sex?

Thinking maybe i took them to early or all energy is going into root production?

Should i have used the plain water method instead?

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For the first 10-14 days after cloning all those clones would have had all their energy focused on root production. Only after they establish a root system will they continue with normal growth. Give them more time and they will show sex but you'd be better off getting them in pots soon depending on the current root development. Show us some pics and we'll tell you if its time to pot

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/16/2018 at 3:22 PM, Deano86 said:

Will do that tomorrow.. thanks bud. In the future i will close then pot then sex.. seems like a better option. I assume the cutting in the water under 12/12 would work for more mature stems.

Dont clone just by leaving it in water, it can work but its not the preferred method.

I first began cloning by using a 50/50 mix of perlite and coco peat and some rooting hormone on the cut.Cover with a dome and leave somewhere warm but not in direct sunlight,now I use a 2l ice cream container with an airstone in the bottom with about 4 net cups on top.Cuttings go straight into rockwool cubes and they root very vigirously with this method:)


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