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Dagga Private Clubs

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Something to look forward too..

Dagga Private Clubs, would like to look into and invest into a Club within the North West. For Cannabis Oils, Cannabinoid Research and growing of African Generic Seeds. 

I have been interested in doing something to this effect but did not have the knowledge to start and process this, It is pretty much how this forum works but would like to create a public entity that we can manage and when all becomes legal and legitimate, we have the networking and resources in place.

What do you guys think?


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I think it will be a risky business. Remember you are putting dealers out of business. Their will be lash out from them. Make sure you have good security to start with. Once the legal trade is in full swing these will be as common as bars.

Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

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It is a fanstatic idea and someone has to start. Unfortunately until such time as the govenment has put something on paper, this is going to be risky. Not that anyone is doing anything wrong, but the police don't care and will go out of their way to make things difficult. With Fields of Green's new Stop the Cops innitiative, this might be the fight they are looking for to make the cops follow the law as they are suppose to uphold.

Hopefully trade in cannabis will be legal soon and clubs/coffee shops can be open about it like in the Netherlands, but only time will tell.

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  On 6/11/2019 at 7:19 AM, SkunkPharm said:

I think it will be a risky business. Remember you are putting dealers out of business. Their will be lash out from them. Make sure you have good security to start with. Once the legal trade is in full swing these will be as common as bars.
Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk


Well why don't we approach dealers, give them better supply first of all. Make them part of the DPC, small dealers still selling matchboxes and 50, 150 bankies are being left behind anyway. It is actually good how Cannaconsumers are now asking for strains and thc to cbd percentages. Why not bring them into the DPC. Have your Cannaconsumers as "employees" and the Dealers as "Managers, Sales Executives" 😂

I know it will not be that easy but it could be a start.. As they say non-Profit but what is given must be received, not showing a profit but circulating properly grown, high grade Cannabis that will actually make an impact.

Definitely something I am going to look into.. 

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@SkunkPharm Luckily I only have North West to start off with.. But it will be the same as illegal cigarettes.. If you have a better supply for cheaper, why wouldn't they use you? They dont have to stop selling.. They have been doing so for years and the cops have not stopped them so what is a change in supply going to do? 

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I am all for clubs. I think it would be different for each town/police station. I just think we should be careful what we do. If you are not willing to go to jail or fight a long battle in court don't do it. If you go to the police and the public prosecutor and they are on you side/will not prosecute by all means go ahead.

Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

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I must say i love all of FOGFAs initiatives and what they stand for - i believe that clubs (with very good security) will be the way to go in this legal limbo period provided we can settle some sort of paperwork or recorded agreement that authorities understand the operations of the establishment and agree to leave us alone , and even beyond legal regulation, as has been mentioned, the clubs would just gain in popularity and end up as similar to a "bar" for the cannabis community 

I also think that having alot of small , closely grouped private clubs could benefit in raising the awareness and breaking the stereotype we are all trying so hard to by showing whoever needs proof that we can peacefully assemble without any harm or damage to people and property as well as the fact that information can be provided in return from clubs to writers of legislature as guidelines as to what does and doesnt work 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ a wise man once said all it takes is one brave soul 💚🔥

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