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Amherst Sour Diesel not looking good


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Morning all,

Please see below pics, I’m not quite sure what’s going on.

My ASD was recently topped at the third node (going for a mainline). Older fan leaves (at the third node) started curling up on the edges and newer fan leaves are pointing straight down. Not clawing, it’s like it makes a 90 degree bend in the middle of the leaf.

Freedom Farms soil.

Only AACT (every third watering) and a 1/4 dose of Seagro about 5 days ago. 

They’re currently in 20cm pots, was planning on transplanting in a day or two. I only water when the pot feels REALLY light, transplant when it feels REALLY light within 24hrs.

Still waiting for my pH pen so they’ve just been getting tap water that’s been bubbled for minimum 12hrs.

I think it might be humidity (struggling to get it past 35) so I sprayed it with a bit of water now (lights off at 10:00).

Any advice would be appreciated.




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