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best grow method for 1.2x1.2 space


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You will need fans as you will grow into summer. Extraction fans. Circulating fans and maybe an aircon. My suggestions is buy led and have the expense upfront. You will be spending way more in the long run on electricity.

Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

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On 7/29/2019 at 6:37 PM, nakes said:

I hear you. But quality LED lights are expensive. Hps is what I can afford now.

If you go 600W HPS and only have one grow space of 1.2x1.2x2, I highly suggest a cooltube reflector to hold your bulb and a 6' extractor fan [HIT centrifugal will do] on medium setting that extracts the hot air generated by the bulb outside using aluminium ducting. 

Then if you need to get rid of any smells you can easily attach a carbon filter to this setup. 

Your setup will look like this: carbon filter --> ducting --> cooltube --> ducting --> extractor fan --> ducting --> window

Cooltube [https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/lumii-cooltube-reflector/]

6' extractor fan [https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/metal-inline-fan/

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