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Life already seem so undercover always having to watch security because of growing now i cont even drive any of my cars!!!!???? Wtf......normally im paranoid cops pull me over and catch me hot boxing now i need to watch them because all my cars are modified according to LAWS and are illegal then the Rasta still tries to sells me brown ganza with white hairs(murf weed totally froten) we need to start our own political party!!! Free GANZA free your MIND free our SOCIETY

...just came from work "PUBLIC TRANSPORT" time to burn


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Apparently the definition is not clear on "modification" as the word modification is quite vast in term of cars. Anything that not manufactured by the manufacturer for the specific vehicle. To be honest I really don't know how they going to police it? My car came standard with Continental tyres so I opted to put on Bridgestones, same size, now my car is illegal, really?  :-wtf

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I got different motors in 2 of my cars as well as brakes and suspension upgrades...the thing is i havnt got a fine in 2 years if i keep my cars in the speed limit y should it be illegal, alot of cars standard come out faster than my cars so how does this law help them reduce street racing #Idiots

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Just another way they're trying to flush out something that will always exist as long as the people want it to. If the people have to, they'll just street race in their unmodified cars now, it'll make no difference at all.


Then we have the filthy rich with their R8's, Maserati's and Ferrari's, a very common site in Cape Town. No more needs to be said...

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Its the manner in which certain individuals do it. Lowering it much more that legally allowed or doing Mcgyver style, by cutting the springs, rending the car not road worthy. Unfortunately everybody gets painted with the same brush as a result.

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