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  On 12/12/2019 at 11:29 AM, Bakstein420 said:

Can you courier clones?


Just to be clear I meant the ballast and Lamp.

I have seen these nifty travel cases for clones that the hydro shops sell.

I'm sure if we really wanted to we could make a small box with a cheap battery LED. Secure the clone in there. Hope they stored in the right direction for most of its journey.

Not sure on the legalities cos we not selling to each other. Are we allowed to gift plants?

Hopefully one day we will be allowed too. We can build our own Alpha team, do collaborations etc. Run each other's cuts, see how they express themselves.

And then there's local cannabis cups... fingers crossed to a bright cannabis future

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  On 12/12/2019 at 10:10 AM, Mambawana said:


Nothing lasts forever.

I'm using ph pens from before the hydro shops even opened in sa. Can't find my old bluelab right now. Eventually you will find just as I did, Ph drops is the most reliable. I only have faith in the bluelab guardian.



Precisely, I calibrate my PH pen about once every 4 - 6 weeks and so far it has never been off by more than 0.1

I also use the storage solution and make sure to rinse off my PH pen and EC pen with tap water before storing it - I believe high EC water can cause damage to the probe over time so its good practice to rinse it.


If I do notice my PH pen is far off from the calibration fluid then I will start monitoring it closely and look at buying a new one when the time is right.

Futurama have the Guardian listed for R10k, a bit steep for monitoring PH, EC and temp as a home grower. For me at least.

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Looking after it is probably the reason it's still being kind to you. Hopefully you never have to replace it.

Grohydro in durban sells it for 8k with the Ph adjustment add on. It is an expensive investment that's not for everyone but my family wants to start going on holidays again so I'm going to have to automate things further then just 3 days.

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I do not recommend you use that soil, keep it for the garden or give it away.

In terms of nutrients, never tried that before either and have not heard of anyone using that before either - I know some have used Seagro with decent success for veg, although I would suggest getting something a bit more tried and tested in terms of soil and nutrients - unfortunately for the most part they tend to not be as cheap as the stuff one would find at a nursery / builders / checkers.


For soil I would recommend Freedom Farms (around R180 for 30L) or Organics Matter (Around R160 for 30L).

For nutrients there are lots of choices, BioBizz is a popular choice for those who want to try and do a more organic grow. You won't need an EC / PPM pen to use Biobizz nutes, just a PH pen.

BioBizz Grow or Fish mix to use during veg and then BioBizz Bloom when they are flowering. I personally prefer BioBizz Fish Mix for veg if you are going with BioBizz.
For the other nute ranges, it would be preferably to have an EC or PPM pen as the guides are not always very accurate.

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  On 12/19/2019 at 11:49 AM, Meepmeepza said:

Thx psy...

Will grow some chillies with these suppliesemoji56.png
thx again

Sent from my SM-A920F using Tapatalk


Don't disappoint the wife. She didn't do too bad. Get some decent compost, a small brick of coco and mix it with that soil and keep it for your 1st transplant. Remove as much of the bark and funny things. Start seeds in something small with a little of that coco only and then transplant as they grow. That plant food shows a pic of seaweed on it and says kelp on the side so it will work for your grow for veg for.The most part. Drench and foliar 2 in 1. You can diy some teas for flower or maybe buy a biobloom later on or top dress some worm castings during the grow to boost microbials or whatever.. The plant will grow and you can wing it as it grows. 

There is only one thing in cannabis cultivation that I feel you should never compromise and that is good genetics. As a beginner start with photo's, leave the autos till you get some experience. Seeds are cheap for a 3 pack delivered @Cannabist

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  On 12/19/2019 at 6:07 PM, Trailblazer420 said:

The nice thing about that soil is it comes with free gnats emoji12.png

Sent from my CLT-L29 using 


Harsh bru. Give the owe a chance. He happily posted some supplies he's got as a gift towards the cause and you guys are being so despondent instead of assisting him in making it work. 


Is your garden gnat free?

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  On 12/19/2019 at 8:17 PM, Mambawana said:

Harsh bru. Give the owe a chance. He happily posted some supplies he's got as a gift towards the cause and you guys are being so despondent instead of assisting him in making it work. 


Is your garden gnat free?


If I were in his situation, I would rather someone be honest and upfront with me than not say anything and later on I struggle and have issues.


Together with all the posts, I think he has some good info and now has the option to either use the Culterra for chillies and get other soil for his cannabis or to try and make it work - so now it is ultimately up to him.


I can see that if you had ended up with Culterra soil, you'd try and use it and make it work.

I on the other hand would scrap it and get something else, nothing wrong with either approach. As long as we both get cannabis in the end 😄 

I actually had some Culterra germination mix, I tried it but disliked it and gave it away. Was more like river sand. I have received rooted cuttings in Culterra soil and they went light green very quickly even with usual feeding and once I repotted into the OM soil I had at the time they were nice and dark green within 2 or 3 days.


Soil makes quite a big difference. I think it was either you or perhaps @trichomechaser who created a thread or posts about which soils to avoid and the bark etc?

That Culterra soil is like R34 for 30L from Builders, not too expensive and if he can repurpose it for chillies and save himself from possible issues later down the line, it sounds like a better plan to me.


Freedom Farm soil also has Fungus Gnats. I have struggled to get rid of them in my grow. They're super annoying.

Organics Matter soil has worms, which is a good thing. I have seen worms in my OM soil on multiple occasions.

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Maybe my attitude towards growing is based on the fact that I remember what it was like wanting to grow my own and not having money to buy all the correct supplies. I've taken soil from the garden, used the cheapest of the cheapest of everything. The plants grew and I took it to harvest. Didn't have jewellers loupe and probably harvested too early but I was still proud of myself when I showed my mates my dry buds all on a stem joined together. We never saw weed like that before. I mean the weed we bought on the street back then came wrapped in directory paper aka slupes.

My point is there is no such thing as it won't work or you wasting your time... just drop that bean and start your journey... You will be amazed where you will be as a grower next year this time.



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Hi @Meepmeepza 

Luckily that culterra soil is only R30-R40 a bag so rather set it aside and use it for something else besides cannabis. I haven't seen a single happy plant in culterra's potting soil and countless other growers will agree with that.  Rather get some soil that has been tested and proven with cannabis. We can steer you to many good names.

I'd hate for you to get all despondent and think you're a kak grower when it was the soil's fault all along, which can easily be the case.

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I must agree here. Start with quality soil and seeds from your first grow. I am busy on my first grow and nearly got disheartened by seeds that didn't germinate. 

@Mambawana and @PsyCLown among others steered me in the right direction and I have a happy plant well into flower (growing in a very confined space).

You don't want to struggle from the get go with inadequate soil. Would make growing more of a chore than a rewarding hobby.

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