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Humidifier for 1.5x1.5m tent


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Hey all,

I am having issues with keeping my humidity under 60 in my flower tent.

I have an external fixed air con in the room but even on turbo its not keeping the humidity down..

Can anyone recommend a dehumidifier that wont cost an arm and a leg?

I've seen some people use a portable air con inside the tent which i wouldnt be apposed to purchasing if it works.

Can anyone recommend a dehumidifier or portable air con if it has worked for you.

Thanks all!


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Putting it into your tent will make the thingy work all the time very hard (constant air flow). If you already have a AC in the room (tent gets climate from the room), I would more tackle the air you suck into the room. And see how to get that more dry in the first place, or reduce the moisture in your tent. 

Where does the vent from your tent go, back into the room or outside tent and room?


Measure the humidity inside your tent, in the room and outside (three units). With those 3 numbers you should get an idea what is your "dry-est" air flow and change the air flow comparing to your needs. If the weather is very humid, i change the vent flow and just bring it outside the tent, not outside the room as usual, room AC doing her thing. (for longer periods you will have to bring in a CO2 generator (recommended anyhow), if you avoid the fresh air because of humidity)

Edited by Prom
added some more ^^
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