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Guys I know Admin had a post up recently about load shedding, or it was a poll asking whether it's affecting your grows.


At the time I actually clicked that it wasn't much of a problem for me... however a lot has changed since then. We are getting a minimum of 1 cut a day of around 2.5 hours. On bad days they are cutting us twice to 3 times a day which means my vegging girls can go for as much as 5 - 7 hours without light. If I see on the schedule it's during the day I am trying to move my plants outside so that they can be in the sun but I've missed it countless times.


To make matters worse I now see power cuts have been happening while I'm sleeping, last night we had 11pm - 1am.


Are you guys doing anything to combat these issues? I'm considering just leaving my lights on 24/7 so that when there are cuts they still get enough light hours but I am sure they are still going to get as confused as shit because the dark periods will be at all different times.


My flowering room is better as lights are on from 8pm - 8am but last night it would have only gotten around 10 hours of light. and a broken light period as well.


Any tips?? Could HID lighting be run off some sort of battery/solar system? What would it cost to set something up?


I watched Nico Escondido's "Grow like a pro" and was quite interested to see a grow setup than ran entirely off solar panels which charged massive batteries... have no idea what it must cost though??

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I have a 1000w Inverter that runs from my car battery which supplies power for a 32" LED + HD Decoder. The meter showing the voltage output is at about 60%.


So my question is will I be able to power one 150w CFL from the same inverter? I have been told that its not as simple as adding wattage together. I don't want to damage my new CFL bulb.


Ajcapetown, I'm assuming that if the inverter works for the CFL then a bigger inverter should be able to handle the HID lights.

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