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Private Grow Clubs - Should it be legal?


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Hi All, whats you view on private grow clubs? im sure most of us heard of that raid in Ottery in Cape Town and found the above article saying it was The Haze Club's facility. the National prosecuting authority and police believe that a grow club constitutes a crime as the sale of cannabis is illegal, however, C3 and THC believes that a grow club is an extention of your private right to cultivate cannabis and an area in their grow facility is technically leased out to members, thereby making it their grow. 

C3 has suspended their services upon advice from their legal team and has instituted a declaratory order to have the High Court clarify whether this is a legal means of business. Apparently this will happen within the first half of 2021.

I honestly, cant see how it can be illegal as these companies are basically allowing many who cant grow and grow on their behalf for either technical skills, space, effort, etc.

anyway, regardless how you feel about it, it will be exciting to follow what comes of this as it will be the first case in South Africa that deals with commercialisation of cannabis.

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11 minutes ago, Stefan said:

whats you view on private grow clubs?

They have, currently are, and will continue to be in existence regardless of whatever the "law" has to say. Most clubs are underground, facilitate a small number of members and are often affiliated with a hydro store. 

THC and C3 are "public" club versions in the way that they openly invite members of the public to participate in the club, albeit in the guise of "privacy". 

THC knew they would get raided or have their operation halted at some point, but they got all the legal backing that it almost seems like a honey pot situation where they poked the SAPS bear to make a move so they could force a legal precedent from the courts and officially make cannabis clubs legal for everyone. I am sure there are some really passionate growers just waiting for the opportunity, and I think these public clubs need some more competition other than the well established black market, in terms of quality and affordability. 

I don't doubt THC will be successful in their pursuit, as I understand the SAPS raided with no warrant and destroyed private property, thinking that it was just another "dagga lab" for them to show off on Twitter as another "roaring success story". 

Unfortunately they fucked up this time. GG well played. 

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