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My first flowers


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So hello again all. It's with no small amount of thanks to all if you that my 3 Amnesia Haze are still alive and doing great 2weeks into flower....at least I think they are doing great, bearing in mind it's my first grow ever. Here are some pics that I am bragging with...thanks again for all the help here. You saved the girls a few times



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Well done brah !! Looking awesome bring on the buds!!!!!! Keep them pics and updates coming great stuff!!!!

Hey guys

All the worries are looking like they will pay off big-time. To me it looks like my buds are exploding less than a week after my last pics.....this is awesome should've started growing yrs ago.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The girls are really looking beautiful. Very happy with my first attempt. Next generation is veging already. Privada Tangie. Going to put a couple on the sundeck end of the month too see how indoor and outdoor compare.✌ 😎... Bless


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Hi bud those ladies are looking good :-clap when you say put some outside on the sundeck... elaborate please , what's the plan ?




Hey Green


I have a large sundeck that can't be seen by the neighbours. So I decided to grow 2 of my Tangie on the deck in coco/perlite just use 25l pots. The weather should be coming right to start growing outside next month. I'm really curious to see how different my results will be with the same plants. My tent will be ready again in 5-7wks for the tangie in the cupboard.



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Reaf would you say mid Oct is too early? 


What if I wanted to veg outside for a bit hoping to maximise on plant size when she flowers?


I dont use 24/0 its totally irregular, so is anything above 14hrs of light.


Cannabis is a long night plant, so that's how I roll indoors, so when I move from indoor to out I have zero stall on growth.


But id like to get sizes i cant get in my indoor space, hence the question of vegging outdoors..




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