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Original Skunk


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@Weskush brother thanks for the motivated words of positiviy 😁🤘 

just wana point out I am not being a sad sack feeling sorry for myself or trying to be negative with what I said about this topic so far. I wasn't trying to bring anyone down, I was simply being realistic and with a pure intent. 

thanks for the video also, I have watched and read countless pieces of information on this very topic and I am sure the deeper you go the more you'll understand what I said here. that video being a good scratch at the surface yeah, didn't even take the prohibition era in account when talking bout how times changed everything.

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people also rave on about DP being alive and well still to this day and you can just simply find the exact genetics at every second seed bank and every one of them claim to be legit and backing it with stories of being directly linked to the founders or whatever may be the case, sadly it's all about marketing and selling seeds. being from south africa gives a lot of our locals the idea that we have original genetics right at our finger tips, while that is true to a certain extent we certainly will be last to get our hands on the legit shit with people like Mel Frank and other big names out there. 

here is a video of Mel Frank himself talking bout the DP that gained the buzz back in the day, just a quick little youtube search, not going in too deep here, but listen to the first words he speaks in this video, this is very important to what we're discussing here... straight out the horse's mouth "I WISH I HAD THE ORIGINAL DURBAN POISON"... lol now if Mel Frank himself sais that, I am gona have a hard time believing some random Richard about the genetic being easy to find.


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We hijacking the Skunk thread. I would love to share more info about the Durban, and have written a 2500 plus word article on it that has yet to be published. Very nice video you shared and important to know from the source what is happening. Its the same sentiment I get from sharing Durban seeds to medical grows in Lesotho, hence my words further up on this post about seedsman.

However, he was not the only person to collect Durban. There are a couple breeders that collected them, seeds went to the USA, Europe and Canada ( Dana Larsen ). Nothing came of the seeds in Canada but we also had a local breeder ( Afropips ) who worked with Durban in the UK in the early 2000's, on top of that in the late 70's, early 80's we had a smuggler start a Dagga coffeeshop in Amsterdam. He specialised in Durban. Glad to say Durban Poison is rated as the top 10% rarest profiles on Phylos and that specific Durban has been tracked for about 40 years from source. Its now sold as a hybrid on growlikejoe.com

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22 hours ago, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

Think about this, if there is a specific guy who has his hands on a genetic and been keeping it pure by genetic isolation and he knows that the whole world is looking for the strain, there is gona be 1 of 2 outcomes. 1 - he will protect it at all costs and will be almost impossible to get. 2 - he makes it available and everyone will have it. 

this forum / thread is also a good example for how badly people want this strain. from all corners of the earth people are looking for it. I put the little bit of faith I can gather in the idea that someone probably has grown out a couple of the seeds from the place you talking about, which would be very plausible since they're for sale to anyone who can find their way to the website you just dropped a link to. and that crumbles my trust in the idea that they might have the real deal profile. 

so much has happened and changed and time has passed that these days you will get a different strain, with a different lineage completely, but carries a profile more similar to the original skunk profile than the actual original skunk genetic profile that gained all the buzz back in the day. and we wouldn't even know it. 

Just saw this post now. Being in cannabis you learn to grow trust issues, but its a basic human requirement, trust. Without a doubt, Skunk, Durban is used as a marketing tool and probably most strains available have nothing to do with the original name. Skunk for instance became famous in the UK as it was used by police in media and generally was used to refer to highgrade indoor, Skunk/Chronic. So what happened, smokers would ask their dealers for the real skunk.  You have to filter through the BS, read up on people with street cred ( Maljim, Todd McCormick, Joseph Pietri, Mel Frank, Sam the Skunkman, Mowgli Holmes ) find out about the strains and then start growing them.



Edited by Chris Jay
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On 8/6/2021 at 1:15 AM, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

this is key brother, original skunk#1 does not exist anymore. 

well, I shouldn't say it doesn't exist at all, because I haven't met every single grower on the planet, but even the highly regarded growers of the world who are doing some big shit, the cannabis kings can't even get their hands on the skunk#1 everyone is looking for. chances are it might still be growing somewhere, but probably not somewhere it's meant to be found. I would bet it's either being shared amongst a select few who know what they are doing and care to preserve the genetic, or it just doesn't exist anymore.

next best thing is phenohunting a variety of hybrids that some breeder is calling "skunk#1" because he made a cross that seemed similar to the skunk and you might find something similar to what you're looking for. 

this is really only if one has ever had the privilege to experience original skunk and can remember what to look for, otherwise how would you even tell if it was what it's supposed to be, even if you do find the original genetic? 


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On 8/6/2021 at 9:43 AM, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

to be honest I was under the impression that all the original genetics from the plant that was grown to cross with, which would have been this "skunk" weed, had seen so many different grow rooms/setups all over the world and now exists in other strains to certain extent, but the first true "skunk" unbread or crossed with, was called "skunk#1" and that it's basically just a myth these days 🤷‍♂️

could be way off with this, but hey this is what I have heard and how my perception of the situation sits at the moment, if you could tell me more on the subject? maybe I should dig into it a little 😁


On 8/18/2021 at 4:49 AM, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

I do have trust issues... aswell as faith issues 🤣 

yeah all is said with good intent brother, thanks 😁

I know there are couple facilities out there that have been banking pure plant genetics through the years, but we're not getting our seeds from them.

Think about this, if there is a specific guy who has his hands on a genetic and been keeping it pure by genetic isolation and he knows that the whole world is looking for the strain, there is gona be 1 of 2 outcomes. 1 - he will protect it at all costs and will be almost impossible to get. 2 - he makes it available and everyone will have it. 

this forum / thread is also a good example for how badly people want this strain. from all corners of the earth people are looking for it. I put the little bit of faith I can gather in the idea that someone probably has grown out a couple of the seeds from the place you talking about, which would be very plausible since they're for sale to anyone who can find their way to the website you just dropped a link to. and that crumbles my trust in the idea that they might have the real deal profile. 

so much has happened and changed and time has passed that these days you will get a different strain, with a different lineage completely, but carries a profile more similar to the original skunk profile than the actual original skunk genetic profile that gained all the buzz back in the day. and we wouldn't even know it. 


I have the original skunk one ordered thru sense seeds came from the cannabis castle 28 years ago it took a bit but I got a few to sprout and r now 4ft tall m ready to clone it was some of the best weed I’ve ever smoked and can’t wait to again

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Sorry bub, saying you got the original skunk #1, and also saying you bought it off a seed bank is two contradicting statements on opposite sides of the spectrum. 

It also gives indication of your level of understanding on genetics. 

If you just simply bought it online it means any random person can buy them? Which would be counterintuitive to anyone protecting the genetic. Can't make it available to the masses while also keeping it "pure".  Who ever has it, if anyone, that person would know to keep it away from the masses, thus protecting it. 

Fact of the matter is, in cultivation the closest you'll get to it is a cross that closely resembles something like it. In habitat you may find a phenotype closer to the real thing, but who's gona do the work to travel to all the different places and hike hike countless mountains and search through millions of landraces? Never in a million years would a online seed bank just simply sell something like that. 

If I go onto online seed banks today every second seed bank is selling "skunk#1", so it's pretty obvious not all of them could be the true thing. So which one is? Most likely none of them. They all took shit that closely resembles it, cross that and call the new thing skunk#1. 

100% all my money on the table sais if you buy all those "skunk#1" seeds and run them all, you'll end up with 100 different phenos. Indicating that they're all just crosses.

99.999999% of all modern cannabis genetics are al hybrids and polyhybrids. You can do the research, I can type away till my fingers fall off, but the info is out there. 

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On 11/12/2024 at 3:55 PM, Skunk1Dave said:

Shows what u know I have the  original skunk 1 ordered out of the sense seeds catalog witch came from the cannabis castle many moons ago I know what I have ,and I have smoked lbs of it it is the pure strain original skunk 1

Bud, you're saying a bunch of contradicting things. 

You think you stand a better chance of single handedly spreading the genetic out to the masses, yet you found the seed online through sensi seeds, a seed bank that's already internationally known. No one knows who you are, how are you going to make any impact there? How do you plan on doing this? Keeping it clone only and spreading it world wide? Cause you, as smart as you are with genetics, understand that you can even reverse BX it with itself and it'll still show you recessive genetics, since it's already a cross (skunk#1 is a phenotype that resulted from a cross breed, not a landrace) so you'll be opening up a whole pool of genetics. You can't spread it in seed form, then you're lying to the masses. Like you probably got lied to and decided to fall for it since you don't understand that buying the seed online deminishes your chances of it being "pure".

You needed to buy a skunk#1 clone from the original growers for it to even be anything close to the actual skunk#1. 

Anyway, there exists a thing called genetic sequencing. People who work with these things never did any preservation on any cannabis genetics. In seed vaults such as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault you'll find some preserved cannabis landrace genetics from many many years ago. Seed vaults and actual groups of certified specialists with proper funding and proper facilities are working on this and it's not for protecting a specific cannabis strain, it's also not a backyard project. It's likely that you will struggle finding any captured data on the genetic sequence of the original skunk. The only people who ever had interest in it was stoners. They never did any genetic preservation. The best they did was share the clone between friends for a couple years till they got tired of it.

People who still talk about "skunk#1" being the best weed ever are just stuck in the past. Old heads keep talking about it, but never have I ever seen or experienced anything better than the keeper plant I have here. It's likely just a memory being gassed up by nostalgia.

Here's what the best weed really looked like back then - according to high times magazine 


Any of those the skunk you remember?? 🤣🤣 just give the old skunk hunt a rest man, it's really not that big of a deal, otherwise given the 30 years you been having that strain and it really was this unicorn status weed like you claim, best weed in history, you would have been in a very different position talking to me on a 420 forum in South Africa. 🤣 

Smoking one singular strain for life will make me quit smoking weed anyway, cause variety is the key to a good life. Someone that actually smokes weed will know that after a week of smoking the same stuff the magic wares off. It doesn't get you high anymore, smoke a different strain and you'll feel it again. Even if it's some mid grade stuff, smoking the absolute highest grade stuff for too long will ware off. It's really not worth it. 

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