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Portfolio Committee are dragging the Private Purposes Bill as far as possible.


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So if you have not heard the news, the portfolio committee heard all the issues and seemed to sympathize with many drawbacks that the bill in its current form has.

Quite recently another hearing went under the radar, and this was the feedback received and comments given in the attachment below for interest sake. These comments came from state advocate Sarel Robertze. 

Some key takeaways 

 - A sort of exemption will be considered for religious and cultural instances 

 - The Club model will not be considered because of additional regulation that would need to be created and managed, they said they did speak about it. 

 - They did not actually need to inform the public of the drafting process, so public consultation didn't need to happen apparently.

 - Everything may change if recreational legalization comes through. 

 - Diagnosed self-medication could possibly mean more plants. 

 - Fields of green for all were left out of the comments for some reason.

It is clear that the ''Harms'' of cannabis are a real issue for them. So much so that they need to state this repetitively, which is sad, because they are not thinking about the all the good that can come. The real concern as always being the children, its as if all we really want to do is get our kids higher than kites. 

There are many factors to consider and I cant just act as if I know what government have to deal with in drafting and understanding all aspects that come into play. However, above all else, SA needs to be more progressive in their movements. We cant make up for lost time and right now there is a gapping whole in the industry and its where every small - medium business could be and putting food on the table and reaping the benefits, but government says, No, that's only for professionals ๐Ÿคจ 

Too much collusion, not enough inclusion. 

If you read cannabis news at any given time, there is such a contrast between, looking like Hey we ''pro'' rural/indigenous farmers, stories of the Mamas growing their quality cannabis completely illegally, but like screaming yeah upliftment to the people who need it most... and then scroll down, 300Kg of DAGGA busted in transit, we would like to commend sergent/major whatever on a great job of pulling those rural farmers kids school fees, straight out of their hand and possibly some jail time. 

Anyways, time to save up for donations. 

Cannabis Bill Comments and Responses November 2021.pdfFetching info...

Edited by ORGANinc.
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what's up, bud :-rasta

thanks for the info, well appreciated! ๐Ÿ™ a lot of people love the whole movement but don't really care much to follow every move in detail, write ups like these will likely make it easier to understand all the gibberish those "clever" guys are talking.

revolution is a tough row to hoe! 

investing and supporting where needed, slow and steady steering this ship towards our goal and keeping good hopes up high for a better situation to reveal itself seems like all we can do in this looooooooooong, almost seeming everlasting fight!!! โœŠ 


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  On 12/2/2021 at 5:06 AM, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

what's up, bud :-rasta

thanks for the info, well appreciated! ๐Ÿ™ a lot of people love the whole movement but don't really care much to follow every move in detail, write ups like these will likely make it easier to understand all the gibberish those "clever" guys are talking.

revolution is a tough row to hoe! 

investing and supporting where needed, slow and steady steering this ship towards our goal and keeping good hopes up high for a better situation to reveal itself seems like all we can do in this looooooooooong, almost seeming everlasting fight!!! โœŠ 



Awe Naughty! 

I appreciate you, appreciating me ๐Ÿ˜‰. Please do not give me any credit, I am no where near the fight, just observing. Yeah, look I think we are all very passionate about cannabis and would ultimately like to make it our occupation, or not. But the option would be nice.

One thing is for certain, before you can figure other people out, you must figure yourself out first. I think this forum is filled with people who may as well be carrying a 10kg packet of Simba CHIPPIES on their back ๐Ÿคฃ I suppose the longer you grow, the more you think the moon shines out of your fun dreamworks GIF

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  On 12/2/2021 at 4:39 AM, ORGANinc. said:

 - The Club model will not be considered because of additional regulation that would need to be created and managed, they said they did speak about it. 


I think the court case for The Haze Club will force them to open up the grow club model anyways, so just because they don't have the energy apparently to draft more regulations in that regard, they will be forced to if the matter is decided in favour of The Haze Club. 

Look, we have plenty of legal farms in the country that are currently growing legal cannabis but they can't sell all of it legally to the international market because we lack international standards of quality control and regulation. So guess where all that legal weed ends up...? 

We're waiting for government to introduce regulations simply so that raw cannabis may be more readily accepted in the international market and and also cannabis products may be sold legally within South Africa. The problem word here is 'sold'. Government doesn't like not being a part of anything that makes legal revenue. This is why I think they are apprehensive about grow clubs because you don't buy weed per gram in a grow club. You pay a subscription/service for someone to grow weed for you and then you are given your weed. Government doesn't like that and are bringing up the sake of the children at every turn that they cannot reasonably argue a point for themselves. 

So ja, viva black market for a really long time to come. 

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Yeah man, it's turning into such a disappointing reintegration of cannabis into our society. The right people aren't at the wheel, they're driving with the handbrake up. While I understand a cautionistic vs head first approach, their perceived harms is disproportionately high to what I perceive as the actual harms of cannabis which is..... Hmmmm. I can't think of a single harmful thing about cannabis. The propaganda machine is still hard at work, and still managing to convince many people the harms are real. 

This, and the new bill however it will come, will be keeping our court systems clogged for years still. 

Only thing we can do is keep trying to overgrow the govt. When cannabis is growing wild on every roadside, wild in the fields, then maybe things will change. 


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  On 12/2/2021 at 5:52 AM, Totemic said:

Only thing we can do is keep trying to overgrow the govt. When cannabis is growing wild on every roadside, wild in the fields, then maybe things will change. 


Hmmm... kinda like that cabbage guy ๐Ÿ˜†

Would be a cool little movement to get growers to plant a few clones around their respective towns to try generate a narrative.

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  On 12/2/2021 at 5:46 AM, Ill_Evan said:

I think the court case for The Haze Club will force them to open up the grow club model anyways, so just because they don't have the energy apparently to draft more regulations in that regard, they will be forced to if the matter is decided in favour of The Haze Club. 

Look, we have plenty of legal farms in the country that are currently growing legal cannabis but they can't sell all of it legally to the international market because we lack international standards of quality control and regulation. So guess where all that legal weed ends up...? 

We're waiting for government to introduce regulations simply so that raw cannabis may be more readily accepted in the international market and and also cannabis products may be sold legally within South Africa. The problem word here is 'sold'. Government doesn't like not being a part of anything that makes legal revenue. This is why I think they are apprehensive about grow clubs because you don't buy weed per gram in a grow club. You pay a subscription/service for someone to grow weed for you and then you are given your weed. Government doesn't like that and are bringing up the sake of the children at every turn that they cannot reasonably argue a point for themselves. 

So ja, viva black market for a really long time to come. 


Yes this is what someone else said on the group. The Haze club needs clarity or something. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to push it through as soon as. Its got some interesting amendments and that cant be questioned, Jaa Maaaaaaan. 

I suppose quality control is also a no brainer. Its all going to take much time. 

  On 12/2/2021 at 5:52 AM, Totemic said:

Yeah man, it's turning into such a disappointing reintegration of cannabis into our society. The right people aren't at the wheel, they're driving with the handbrake up. While I understand a cautionistic vs head first approach, their perceived harms is disproportionately high to what I perceive as the actual harms of cannabis which is..... Hmmmm. I can't think of a single harmful thing about cannabis. The propaganda machine is still hard at work, and still managing to convince many people the harms are real. 

This, and the new bill however it will come, will be keeping our court systems clogged for years still. 

Only thing we can do is keep trying to overgrow the govt. When cannabis is growing wild on every roadside, wild in the fields, then maybe things will change. 



Ahhh Handbreak...  ๐Ÿคฃ Ya being demonized with battery acid, literally.


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Good on you to share this news @ORGANinc.. Its damn important news, sometimes obvious, like government dragging its heels. 


 - The Club model will not be considered because of additional regulation that would need to be created and managed, they said they did speak about it. 


Thats a real f-up especially for all these new clubs that have popped up everywhere, however I think their models are based more on privacy than cannabis, so possibly business as usual even if clubs are not considered in the bill. 



 - Fields of green for all were left out of the comments for some reason.


This is BS, as FOGFA represent our rights and have put huge resources into the cannabis manifesto. I hope the corrupt powers dont steal their work and use it for themselves. 

Like @Totemic says, overgrow the government.

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Even if weed is legalized, there is a chance the "black market" will still exist and people will still be arrested.

I'm not against the movement to legalization and I'm not really for it either. But the way I see it there is no way they will legalize it for rec use without making only a limited amount licenses available, and then proceed to over "regulate" the market and tax the shit out of everyone involved from the growers to the end user. This is just my opinion but if it ever happens, I'm sticking with the small craft growers and my own homegrown.

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  On 12/2/2021 at 10:26 AM, Khakibos said:

Even if weed is legalized, there is a chance the "black market" will still exist and people will still be arrested.

I'm not against the movement to legalization and I'm not really for it either. But the way I see it there is no way they will legalize it for rec use without making only a limited amount licenses available, and then proceed to over "regulate" the market and tax the shit out of everyone involved from the growers to the end user. This is just my opinion but if it ever happens, I'm sticking with the small craft growers and my own homegrown.


the black market will never crash, i would love the experience of buying weed legally, but know that if i want to smoke the finest herb, straight to my dealer i go

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  On 12/2/2021 at 10:26 AM, Khakibos said:

Even if weed is legalized, there is a chance the "black market" will still exist and people will still be arrested.


I think even today in a regulated environment like Canada more than 80% of cannabis sales are still within the black market. I remember reading somewhere that these transitions from black market to legal market can take up to 15 years to happen, if all things go well

  On 12/2/2021 at 10:26 AM, Khakibos said:

I'm sticking with the small craft growers and my own homegrown.


Would be dope if they could be more open about it or have a spot without fear of prosecution. That's all we want man 8-)

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Now this is a bombshell open letter to the president of the UN written by FOGFA and possibly many of the stakeholders who were commenting and many all over the world, who are all just flippen super hero's!!! 

Fields of green for all have for the first time used their ECOSOC status, which is a chair they received not to long ago on the UN single conventions on Narcotic Drugs to send an open letter to the president of the UN and the president of INCB regarding their internal policies that they are pushing forward with, which do not align with the removal of cannabis from the previous scheduling IV of 1960. (and I was wondering for the longest time, does this not matter?)

They call for transparency and communication when drafting international policy - Why, because its not just happening in SA.

Man talk about going straight to the source. FOGFA!!! ๐Ÿ™

Edited by ORGANinc.
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