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Sugar Haze (Cannazon Freebies)


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Hmm yeah I had taken the pic as I watered and switched off the lights for a bit


Had a look now and some are a bit down I ....thanks for spotting that actually will need to sort that out


Do you think its too much N? Noticed I am giving them a fair amount of Nitrogen in the feeds according to this schedule....from week 2 which is now it starts to cut down

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Not that I know of or have seen....?


Another issue has come up though....The new bulb keeps turning off.

I turned the ballast to the 600W option (gthydro ballast) and the new bulb turns on but a clicking sound is present in the light fixture that never existed before....few minutes later the bulb turns off and ballast remains on


Edit: The bulb is also not a Osram plantastar as I found out today. Its a Lucalox PhotoSynthesis light from gelighting.com....Not sure about this brand at all...I really hope its a bulb issue.

Was wondering if maybe my extension cords are able to handle the amount of Amps drawn when the 600W is plugged in

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Yip so the bulb is a 400V bulb which probably explains why it keeps turning off. 


Seems some ballast companies stock 400V ballasts for these kinds of bulbs in their "Pro" category.


I really hope I can get it swapped for the 230V version or a refund 


Pretty glad nothing extreme happened in this case

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UPDATE: Day 19 OF 12/12


All going well so far. Just busy getting that bulb replaced which is taking longer than I would like


The one girl as you may notice has stretched considerably...other seems to have stopped and now is focusing on bud production


Still feeding daily at pH 5.8 with the odd feeding being just a bit off pH wise


Hps on










According to seedsman its a 9 week strain but I think the one that wasn't trained will go longer


Hoping to pick up some bubble bags next month for after the harvest and not let any trim go to waste! :-bankie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - Day 30 of 12/12


Everything is going well with feeding daily at recommended strength nutes. Had the 600W bulb replaced and is working perfectly.


I am slightly concerned at how close some are too the light so I have begun tying some down and also cutting away some bottom growth.






Pics were taken at day 28 I believe. The buds showing in the non-hps pic are from the one that stretched too much and as a result I put a weight on the top of it to get it to bend over back under the light (The top grew past the cooltube).


Buds on other female are gaining some weight...will get a nice shot of her on here soon


End of the month I should have a small veg area up for the new strains to start while this grow finishes off

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks gents lol


UPDATE - 39 days since 12/12


Here are some pics at 39 days of flowering. I am having a bit of an height issue and I think one or two cola's is too close so i am trying to remedy that...I haven't had much time to tend to them besides watering unfortunately.


Watering still at full strength daily. If I could water twice a day I honestly would but I don't have the time most days.


Pics were taken with phone camera so they not the greatest











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  • 2 weeks later...

Update and more - 52 Days of 12/12


So just a small update with dubious phone camera pics (the lighting in the room with lights off isn't good unless at night)


I am going to start feeding with 1/2 strength nutes till day 60 then do a 10 day flush. Suppose to be a 70 day strain...one may go a bit longer than that


They have been packing on some weight lately and finally a bit more trichome coverage...hoping they frost up more in next two weeks. They look much nearer to being finished that the pics suggest






@TrailBlazer sup man sorry i forgot to reply on other thread lol I definitely remember your grows from previous forum...some nice DNA genetics strains! Hope to see what you got going now in a log


Here is also a Scotts OG seedling (FEM) from Rare Dankness....germinated in shot glass to paper towel and then when it cracked was placed in a jiffy peat pellet. Did this so I have no transplant shock when I put it into the coco...seemed to work out well, don't think I have had a seed germinate as fast as this one did



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Thanks @Skolley!


But it now appears I have some bud rot :-wtf


I have pretty good air circulation so Im not sure how it set in. I think it may have been after a heavy misting and did it too near lights off :( 


Its on the big colas and I had to just throw away a big chunk of one. It affected mainly the points where there were leaves dying already.


Fuck I am upset....I think I better just harvest today/tomorrow before it really spreads.


Today is week 8 on a 9 week strain...

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I actually have no idea whether to harvest or not....


I cut off all I can see....The one case I wasnt sure if it was just a bunch of dead and dry leaves/calyxes or bud rot....another part of a top cola was definitely a bit strange so I removed it...opening it up I did see some brown and it was squishy. 


These plants have only had 3 days of flushing which is a concern...id like to at least let them go 2-3 more days just so I can flush the nutes


Any insight or advice here?

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