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Stoned Moms: The Marijuana Industry's Greatest Untapped Market


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Ha. Actually watched this last night. Interesting to see it from a moms perspective. Some of the names still keep it a little inaccessible and strange to the everyday uninformed person that may want to investigate what cannabis is all about. They want things that sound pretty and kind of normal so like they would be choosing a wine.


So impressed with their set ups and approach to cannabis and it's culture/benefits though and how awesome that it's legal and people can just enjoy and be free and not paranoid that what they are doing can land them in jail.


Also just hearing the numbers... Talking billions of dollars, it's almost a no brainer. It can boost the economy no end and create jobs etc...!!!


The thing we can hopefully rely on is that SA does normally follow quite closely behind America and UK/Europe. There are more and more states in America, and European countries legalising cannabis use so I reckon in the not too distant future, we could be enjoying a smoke and sipping coffee at a local coffee shops here in SA.


Gonna be rad to watch hot house wives and mommies grocery shopping and picking up a few g's of their favourite  ;D

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