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420SA Is Up For Sale :(


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Howzit guys

It's with a very heavy heart that I announce that 420SA is up for sale 😞  It has been a long time coming now as my focus has shifted to a place where growing is very seldom a possibility unfortunately... and as most members will have noticed I have become incredibly "hands-off" with this forum and I don't feel that does justice to the many loyal regulars and future new members who deserve an admin who will take the forum to newer heights and ultimately pay more attention to it.

Of course, I will not sell the forum away to someone who will squander what I have worked so hard to create for the past 9 years. So this is not a desperate sale that will go to the first bidder but rather someone who has the same vision of keeping the vibes as irie as possible on the forum here, and hopefully someone who can revive the exciting aspects that this forum had such as competitions, growoffs etc.

The potential buyer will need to be fairly comfortable with IT. You do not have to be a full on web developer to be able to manage this forum but some web development skills will be beneficial. I would be happy to sit with you on a zoom/teams call and run you through all the administrative/backend aspects. It really isn't daunting. I will always be available should you need to reach out for help.

The buyer needs to consider the following traits of the forum in their offer:

  • The forum has been running since August 2014 (Almost 9 years)
  • The forum now has 4325 members
  • The forum has accumulated just over 73 000 posts
  • The forum ranks 12th in the top 35 cannabis forums in the world on Feedspot - https://blog.feedspot.com/marijuana_forums/ 
  • The forum is extensively indexed on Google and ranks #1 on google for a Cannabis Forum In South Africa
  • Users are directed to this website via a vast number of queries on Search Engines which brings the website 90% of its traffic (non members)
  • Vast potential awaits this forum should cannabis finally be legalised in South Africa
  • The forum has a ton of valuable information supplied by a large number of knowledgeable members over the years
  • Over the years, this forum has developed a relationship with a number of the large players in the local industry

If you are interested in taking this forum forward please send me a PM or send me an email at admin@420sa.co.za and we can move from there. I will disclose all running costs in our discussion.



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Sad news. It's time's like this we need to consider a co-op style platform. Not sure how it would be structured but I'm sure there's enough brain's on the platform. The way the industry is going forward personally I think group effort is better than going it alone.
Yeah we don't all have the funds or time etc as a lone individual.
Quick poll. What does each member that reads this thread pay for seeds on average. Yeah @Totemic and @Bay Seeds are generous spreaders of local genetics free of charge (personal thanks from my side).
Anyway. As much as the freebies and testers have come my way, I would be prepared to pay for such seeds going forward (bought through the forum) to help with running costs. And a small subscription providing there's enough interest. Just my stoner thought as I'm sitting here.

Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk

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21 minutes ago, West Coast Vaper said:

Sad news. It's time's like this we need to consider a co-op style platform. Not sure how it would be structured but I'm sure there's enough brain's on the platform. The way the industry is going forward personally I think group effort is better than going it alone.
Yeah we don't all have the funds or time etc as a lone individual.
Quick poll. What does each member that reads this thread pay for seeds on average. Yeah @Totemic and @Bay Seeds are generous spreaders of local genetics free of charge (personal thanks from my side).
Anyway. As much as the freebies and testers have come my way, I would be prepared to pay for such seeds going forward (bought through the forum) to help with running costs. And a small subscription providing there's enough interest. Just my stoner thought as I'm sitting here.

Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk

Yeah we can raise money for the forum, maybe do like a raffle and the winner gets a pack of 100 fems autos. My Russian Doll autos wont be release to public on retail but I don't mind one lucky winner getting our best breeding stock. 

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You put it on Sedo.com? 

Once this country has legalized it... by now we all understand, the ANC isn't doing any job they should. 2020 the private use law should have been implemented by court demand, we have now 2023.. and I book my ticket out of the country.

Elections are around the corner.. if the ANC gets elected again for 4 years.. this country is done.. sorry to say that but also a easy prediction. There will be nothing working anymore as the only goal the ANC has is to plunder the country and enrich themself. 

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