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Seedling leaves curled


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My seedling leaves have curled up and the tip have turn brown like they are burnt am doing a mini green house grow and I have only been feeding my plants water am not able to upload pictures as am not able to see an option to upload. Need help with this one

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Hi bud hope you well, 

many things can cause leaves to curl, especially in seedling stage when the plant is still very sensitive. in the first two pics the tips look necrotic, that's a later stage of curl or whatever the problem is. usually stuff like a root zone problem or EC/pH related, but it could also be environment related. 

you gotta give us a bit more info. what has the temps and humidity been like? I see there's a cut off bottle for a make shift humidity dome? have you been keeping it over the plant? this could've caused temperature and humidity spikes that the plant didn't like. 

just giving water should be fine at this stage, but what medium are you in? looks like soil? maybe it's just a little too hot for the seedlings. meaning a little bit too nutrient rich, this happens a lot with seedlings in fresh soil. what soil is it? did you add anything to it? 

the more info you give us the more accurate the answer can be. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found the issue and I solved it the issue was the temperature it was to hot my small green house temperature was ridiculously hot I didn't notice am still a new grower so I had to buy a solar fan and keep the windows open when it's  hot summer heat isn't making it easy my plants have recoverd well am happy thanks your yo help

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  • 8 months later...

Glad you figured out I have question 1 week since she came out of rapid rooter temp 75 and humidity 50 to 60 I have I power t5 1.5 inches above her seems okay.  Have small fan to get circulation I will be trying open top pro mix ho this time so prob put in next week.  No stretch or no burn so is that okay.  Mz Jill jelly bean. Purple urge and mz Jill genetics first time trying those genes I only planted one of the seeds to test wish I planted more guess I be germinating more now they will be 1 to one in a half weeks behind but they will be okay. Also got some GDP auto seeds coming this week to throw in to keep her company lol   I usually do hydro or aero have not done soil in 13 years lol on pro mix ho open top I also got FF ocean and the other one forest or whatever since pro mix hp has no nutes also when she gets bigger and I add the FF soil to it for npk can I use my GH trio to give the extra nutes if needed later I don’t want to buy all this extra shit if I don’t have to since I just trying soil this time and prob go back to my top drip DWC setups I am so used to wanted to change it this grow since soil easier in my opinion more forgiving and less work in the tent thought on all of this kinda rooki in soil game inside grow in tent 


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