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Greetings all! 

Beginning with apologies as this is extremely overdue and very ill-mannered, but here follows my quick introduction!

I'm a passionate homegrower with eight years of industry experience in mostly the consumer sector of our cannabis industry. While I do enjoy consumption on all levels, I began my career as a budtender, worked my way into managerial for dispensaries and private lounges, and currently regional for a private club. I have a one year stint in a grow shop somewhere in that period, but the government played Uno with us on that lockdown period. 

Once upon a time I ran a 1.2x1.2m indoor tent, LED & HPS lighting, with multiple cloning units and propagation tanks. Now I have plastic pots and a mini 5 tier greenhouse I bought online. Over the years I may have lost a lot but watch me!

Several years ago I initially overlooked the greatness contained in these forums when I created an account here, entering a photography competition but failing to utilize the platform for what it offers. While I still revert to my whiteboard, book and pen, I hereby commit to documenting and sharing more so I might be able to help anyone else out there. Outright disclaimer that I am a simple enthusiast with an open mind.

My creative background might leech onto uploads because I'm a creative who likes graffiti and other societal headaches. 

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