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Urgently need some advice and opinions on plants condition


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Got 4 plants from a mate who was putting 2 outside in the sun during the day and 2 larger ones under LED lighting indoors and once I got them to my location I got a bottle of SeaGrow and 1st flushed them and then mixed up 2L for each plant. Bottle says 5ml per litre and on the net they talk about 5ml per gallon so I rather mixed it up to 2ml per 2L bottle of water and fed them and placed them all outside for the day and the 2 that were indoors went from OK to terrible. Check the pics!


My question is, is this because of going from LED to daylight to quickly?



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Hmmm I highly doubt it was from the transition from indoor to being outside if I am honest. I dont have much experience with LED but that to me does not seem likely


It may have been the flush or seagro u added and caused the pH to go into a bad range for the plant


What does the soil mix consist of?

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