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Indoor HID DWC Skunk

Guest Oracle

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Guest Oracle

Well everyone, here she is, my little recently rekindled hobby


This little lady (i have a backup or two in case it is in fact not a lady) is straight landrace skunk. some of the best Transkei stuff I've smoked. was doing some LST, so she is hanging over to the side a little.


Current Setup:


2 x 400W HID MH

4 x Fans (3 x oscillating)

1 x 100L DWC bin


The idea is to use the current lady as a mother plant take maybe 4 or 5 clones to give me 80 - 100g plants, which will give me about 3 months' worth of smoking pleasure. Now that the log has been started, I'll post the cloning process etc once that happens.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a little nitrogen deficiency, so I did a water change about 3 days ago, plant definitely recovering nicely. For some reason my stems are going dark, any ideas? (Although unlikely, Phosphorus shortage is possible, but I will monitor to see if it gets worse.





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